Process: Frida Kahlo Button Art Time Lapse
8 hours of process time lapsed into 3 minutes. Over 2,000 buttons make up this image of Frida Kahlo.
Visit lilblueboo.com for photos of the finished work and other tutorials!
Post date : 2017-03-09 08:45
Posted by : peter88
Vogue México Frida Kahlo
Making Of de la sesión de fotos para Vogue México "Pasión por Frida".
Fotógrafo: Michael Filonow
Video por Ric Tercero de Retrovisual Tv para Vogue México y Vogue Latinoamérica.
Abril 2011
Post date : 2017-03-09 08:42
Posted by : peter88
Especialmente para BOBSTORE (bobstore.com.br), a atriz Giselle Itié interpretou Frida Kahlo em texto e imagens. Confira o making of das fotos assinadas por André Schiliró, com styling de Dudu Farias e caracterização de Carlos Cesário.
Realização: Boutique de Imagens
Montagem e finalização: Produções Pera
Ano: 2011
Post date : 2017-03-09 08:41
Posted by : peter88
Mini Frida Kahlo
Here I'm preparing my new project "Personitas" which means little people. This is a Mini Frida Kahlo
for more info: facebook.com/sarafra
Music "Soplando Máscaras de vidrio" by Domingo en Llamas.
Post date : 2017-03-09 08:34
Posted by : peter88
Frida - a story based on the art of Frida Kahlo VOGUE.IT
Frida - a story based on the art of Frida Kahlo
FILM ThomasThoene.com
PUBLISHED vogue.it
ART DIRECTION Lisa Marie Mewes
HAIR AND MAKEUP Claudia Astorino Make Up
PHOTO jennwerner.com
Using a Sony FS700 with a awsome set of Leica R Lenses
35mm 1.4f
90mm 2.0f
28mm 2.8f
100mm 2.8f
50mm 2.0f
Post date : 2017-03-09 08:32
Posted by : peter88
Miniature Frida Kahlo portrait painting
A timelapse of A6 watercolor painting of Frida.
Music: "As Colorful As Ever" by Broke For Free (brokeforfree.com/)
Post date : 2017-03-09 08:31
Posted by : peter88
FRIDA KAHLO - a Legend
Zu ihren Lebzeiten war die mexikanische Malerin Frida Kahlo eine Legende, heute ist sie ein Mythos. Bronislav Roznos’ Ensemble vertanzt die Lebensgeschichte der Malerin zu sinnlichen Klängen des südamerikanischen Kontinents.
Post date : 2017-03-09 08:29
Posted by : peter88
Frida Kahlo
An animation of Frida Kahlo painting, "Autorretrato con Collar de Espinas"
Long long time in photoshop to recreate the background behind her.
Music from the Frida movie soundtrack.
Post date : 2017-03-09 08:26
Posted by : peter88
How Carrie Fisher Passing Will Affect The Future Of Star Wars
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Carrie Fisher was a whole lot more than just Princess Leia. She was a fierce advocate for social causes, an important voice for destigmatizing mental illness, a bang-up script doctor on many of your favorite 1990s movies, and an incredible author. It's not often that one person can be so talented in so many fields, but Fisher was the exception. She lived more in her six decades than most of us ever will in a lifetime, and we'll never know what more she had in store for us. But as incredible as she was in all these different ways, she's still best known for one thing above all: her role as Leia in Star Wars. Her tragic passing due to a heart attack will almost certainly affect the future of Star Wars. As sad as we fans are, it's impossible not to ask the question that's on all our minds: what effect might our loss of Carrie Fisher have on Episode VIII and Episode IX?
Will they change Episode VIII? | 0:46
Going full CGI | 1:25
It's been done before | 2:02
Who leads the Resistance next? | 2:30
How could this affect Luke and Kylo Ren's arcs? | 2:59
Read more here → http://www.looper.com/35533/carrie-fishers-death-will-affect-episodes-viii-ix/
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Post date : 2017-01-07 11:11
Posted by : peter88