How Zika spreads (and who’s to blame)
The mosquito kills nearly 750,000 people each year. Malaria is the cause for the majority of these deaths, but a Zika outbreak has the Americas scared of this insect. This is how the insect spreads disease to its victims.
Post date : 2016-12-16 14:45
Posted by : peter88
Occupy Phoenix with AR-15's
Morpheus heads to down town Phoenix at the Cesar Chavez plaza to join with other individuals to DEMONSTRATE for the right to exist! The demonstrators get some protection from JT Ready and http://usbordergurad.com
Post date : 2011-11-01 14:29
Posted by : moviegoer
Reflections: A 9/11 Tribute
May we never forget what happened to our country that day.
Shot in NYC, Newark and Dallas.
Blog post about the creation of the piece: s-kellerphoto.com/2011/09/reflections-911-tribute.html
Post date : 2011-09-13 15:58
Posted by : moviegoer