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329 Views Emergency medicine for our climate fever
As we recklessly warm the planet by pumping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, some industrial emissions also produce particles that reflect sunshine back into space, putting a check on global warming that we're only starting to understand. Climate activist Kelly Wanser asks: Can we engineer ways to harness this effect and further reduce warming? Learn more about the promises and risks of "cloud brightening" -- and how it could help restore our climate to health.
Post date : 2019-08-30 15:08 Posted by : peter88
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339 Views Can we choose to fall out of love?
What's the best way to get over heartbreak? Rapper and writer Dessa came up with an unconventional approach after a chance viewing of Helen Fisher's TED Talk about the brains of the lovestruck. In a wryly funny talk, she describes how she worked with a neuroscientist to try to get her brain to fall out of love with her ex -- and shares wisdom about romance that she gained along the way.
Post date : 2019-08-30 15:03 Posted by : peter88
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380 Views The rise and fall of the Mongol Empire
It was the largest contiguous land empire in history— stretching from Korea to Ukraine, and from Siberia to southern China. And was forged on the open plains. In the 12th century, the East Asian steppe was home to scattered groups of nomads who, by 1206, would be united under the innovative leadership of a man named Temujin. Anne F. Broadbridge details the rise and fall of the Mongol Empire. [Directed by Globizco Studios, narrated by Nishat Ruiter, music by Manuel Borda].
Post date : 2019-08-30 15:01 Posted by : peter88
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329 Views How I help people understand vitiligo
TV news anchor Lee Thomas thought his career was over after he was diagnosed with vitiligo, an autoimmune disorder that left large patches of his skin without pigment and led to derision and stares. In a captivating talk, he shares how he discovered a way to counter misunderstanding and fear around his appearance with engagement, dialogue -- and a smile. "Positivity is something worth fighting for, and the fight is not with others -- it's internal," Thomas says. "If you want to make positive changes in your life, you have to consistently be positive."
Post date : 2019-08-30 14:59 Posted by : peter88
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331 Views What ping-pong taught me about life
Growing up in England, Pico Iyer was taught that the point of a game was to win. Now, some 50 years later, he's realized that competition can be "more like an act of love." In this charming, subtly profound talk, he explores what regular games of ping-pong in his neighborhood in Japan have revealed about the riddle of winning -- and shows why not knowing who's won can feel like the ultimate victory.
Post date : 2019-08-28 11:50 Posted by : peter88
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396 Views A day in the life of a Cossack warrior
The year is 1676, and a treaty has officially ended hostilities between the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Ottoman Empire. Despite a serene sunset on the Dnipro river, the mood is tense for the Zaporozhian Cossacks. Renowned as one of Europe's most formidable military forces, they are in the midst of a power struggle. Alex Gendler outlines a day in the life of a Cossack soldier. [Directed by WOW-HOW Studio, narrated by Addison Anderson, music by Stephen LaRosa].
Post date : 2019-08-28 11:49 Posted by : peter88
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332 Views How the West can adapt to a rising Asia
As Asian economies and governments continue to gain power, the West needs to find ways to adapt to the new global order, says author and diplomat Kishore Mahbubani. In an insightful look at international politics, Mahbubani shares a three-part strategy that Western governments can use to recover power and improve relations with the rest of the world.
Post date : 2019-08-28 11:48 Posted by : peter88
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319 Views The mysterious origins of life on Earth
Billions of years ago, simple organic compounds assembled into more complex coalitions that could grow and reproduce. At the time, Earth had widespread volcanic activity and a hostile atmosphere that made it almost devoid of a suitable environment for living things. So where did life begin? Luka Wright searches for the cradle of life that gave rise to the billions of species that inhabit our planet. [Directed by Nick Hilditch, narrated by Addison Anderson].
Post date : 2019-08-28 11:46 Posted by : peter88
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329 Views How climate change affects your mental health
"For all that's ever been said about climate change, we haven't heard nearly enough about the psychological impacts of living in a warming world," says science writer Britt Wray. In this quick talk, she explores how climate change is threatening our well-being -- mental, social and spiritual -- and offers a starting point for what we can do about it.
Post date : 2019-08-28 11:37 Posted by : peter88
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341 Views The myth of Jason and the Argonauts
Hercules, the strongest man alive with a mighty heart to match. Orpheus, charmer of nature and master of music. Castor and Pollux, the twin tricksters. The Boreads, sons of the North Wind who could hurtle through the air. Brought together by a young man's call for help, these heroes joined forces and named themselves the Argonauts. Iseult Gillespie traces their quest to steal the Golden Fleece. [Directed by Kozmonot Animation Studio, narrated by Addison Anderson, music by Deniz Doğançay].
Post date : 2019-08-28 11:36 Posted by : peter88