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430 Views Daniel Schutzsmith: Design Patterns with Advanced Custom Fields and WordPress
Amnesty International USA launched a website redesign in May 2017 based on a six month journey of defining a design pattern that would reinforce our branding and making it easy to implement on any page of our website using WordPress, Bootstrap 4 and Advanced Custom Fields. We’ll take a look at the journey of defining the design patttern and why it’s important for every website to have one. Then we’ll explore how ACF uses Flexible Content and Repeater fields to create an infinite amount of design possibilities while still remaining within a brands aesthetic design guidelines. Code, design and process will be shared.
Post date : 2019-05-08 19:15 Posted by : moviegoer
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391 Views Dwayne McDaniel: WP-CLI: Don’t Fear the Command Line
In this presentation I will demonstrate a simple install script that will have a fully functioning, customized WP website in about the same time than it normally takes download the WordPress.zip file. We will also look for how third party tools and hosts are leveraging the WP-CLI to make your life as a developer even easier. Walk away with: -A new appreciation for the command line. -The desire to script ‘all the things’ to save time. -Knowledge of serious time saving tools -Ideas about how to automate your processes to be more productive and profitable.
Post date : 2019-05-08 18:17 Posted by : moviegoer
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430 Views John Cousins: WordPress and Digital Content Workflow
I have a workflow that begins with my blog posts, which I aggregate into eBooks and paperbacks, and then into audio books, and from there I use the audio to strip movie segments for YouTube and online courses. It has worked well and I would like to share the process.
Post date : 2019-05-08 18:16 Posted by : moviegoer
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411 Views Dominic McBride: Your PHP Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and Why You Might Need One
It’s absolutely possible to do all your PHP programming using a basic text editor, but is it wise? If you work alone (like in a basement) it might make sense to keep things simple by using a text editor and an FTP account to keep your WordPress site updated. But, if your site has a large (code base) or you work in a team, embracing more modern development techniques will help you get more done. In this topic, I will cover some of the most useful tools included in two popular PHP IDEs – Zend Studio/Eclipse and PhpStorm and one popular design IDE Adobe Dreamweaver. Subject matter will include; file management and site navigation, code generation and completion, refactoring, debugging, and integrative source control using Git.
Post date : 2019-05-08 18:14 Posted by : moviegoer
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415 Views Anna Blanch Rabe: International Legal Considerations for Bloggers, Developers, and Web Designers Using WordPress
If you’re doing things right your website will be viewed all around the world. But what does that mean for you as a wordpress user and publisher? Internationalization is a buzz word among developers. We’ll talk briefly about internationalization, localization, and their various implications. In this workshop session, we will focus on talking about the basics of copyright and intellectual property, internet commerce, and best practices for website user and privacy policies when your website is being viewed around the world – we will address legal considerations for US, EU, UK, Australian, and Canadian based website visitors. This will not be legal advice, but rather offer general information.
Post date : 2019-05-08 18:12 Posted by : moviegoer
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426 Views Mary Baum: Momma’s Got a Brand New Grid
Who’s ready to start using CSS grids in WordPress? Welp – I’ve got ‘em going in a couple Genesis child themes. Browsers are all in with support. They work with Flexbox, so we can use both at once. And they help make previously painful layout problems solve themselves. So let’s take a look at the hard work of the two engineers who have spent years getting these blocks stacking – CSS celebs Jen Simmons and Rachel Andrew. Let’s take a look at the simplest ways to use Grid, because at that level it’s pretty much indistinguishable from magic. For one thing, you can save floats for wrapping text around objects (and the swimming pool). For another, you can cut a whole lot of cruft from a style sheet. So what’re you waiting for? Let’s get our themes on the grid!
Post date : 2019-05-08 18:07 Posted by : moviegoer
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410 Views Pam Aungst: Killer Keywords – How to Write Content For Both Humans and Search Engines
Your website content has two audiences: Human readers and search engines. Writing website content that appeals to both is something that all writers and website owners should know how to do. Whether you’re a professional copywriter or a small business owner who writes for your own website, knowing how to write content that satisfies both of these audiences is an essential (and profitable!) skill. This presentation will teach you exactly how to do that, using modern-day approaches to semantic and contextual keyword optimization.
Post date : 2019-05-08 18:05 Posted by : moviegoer
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419 Views Alana Lemon: Writers Block
How to get your words from your brain to your paper? Do you have writers block? Unscramble your thoughts and uncover your true abilities. This class will show you how to formulate your words. It all begins with a thought. Lets begin to discover how creative you are.
Post date : 2019-05-07 00:11 Posted by : peter88
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404 Views Gary Thayer: Woo for You – Customizing WooCommerce
This talk will look at the best practices for building and customizing themes and plugins for WooCommerce. We’ll talk about: * Keeping template files up to date; * Useful actions and filters; * Custom solutions for unique eCommerce situations
Post date : 2019-05-07 00:09 Posted by : peter88
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408 Views Maxwell Ivey: Just Press Send, Don’t Let Fear Keep You From Your Dreams Pt-2
Part 2 My goal is to free the audience from their fear of failure so they can either start posting content or so they can increase the amount and quality of content they are posting. I will do this by sharing past experiences that outline the value of taking the risk, facing your fears, and putting yourself out in the world. I will teach them to focus on what they can change and ignore the things they can’t change or that they can’t change right now. I will use the example of my first website at the midway marketplace, my first post as the blind blogger, and my successful Amtrak Writers In Residence Application. In the end I wil challenge them and remind them that if a guy like me can do it with all he has going against him, then what is their excuse.
Post date : 2019-05-06 23:58 Posted by : peter88