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360 Views Adam Warner: The Personal and Website Security Mindset
Mindfulness – “The quality or state of being conscious or aware of something.” Security can seem intimidating and complex for many, but we shouldn’t (can’t) let that stop us from doing everything we can to secure our WordPress sites and ourselves. After all, our websites are often part of our livelihood. In this session Adam addresses the “big picture” of personal and website security and breaks down the fundamental tasks needed for a strong security plan online. He provides an actionable checklist on what audience members can implement immediately to better secure themselves online in addition to their WordPress websites. After attending this session, audience members will have a better understanding of personal security online and how it affects website security as a whole, as well as steps they can take to mitigate risk in the future.
Post date : 2019-05-10 10:22 Posted by : peter88
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380 Views Nathan Ingram: Mastering the Client Consultation
Has a client ever wasted your time in a consulting session? Ever had a one-hour consultation turn into 3? Have you experienced the sinking feeling that comes when you leave the consultation and realize you failed to ask a key question? This talk provides answers to these issues and more. Attendees will leave with a clear, memorable outline to manage the client consultation.
Post date : 2019-05-10 10:21 Posted by : peter88
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367 Views Alonso Indacochea: Getting Started with WordPress
An introduction to using WordPress
Post date : 2019-05-10 10:20 Posted by : peter88
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424 Views Kim Kuhlman: Security on a Shoestring
Security on a Shoestring: Kim will talk about a number of free WordPress plugins for increasing website security that folks are not likely to know about. These include IQ Block Country, NinjaFirewall and iThemes Security (free version – This one is well known, but worth talking about). Also included will be a discussion of testing WordPress websites for vulnerabilities with WPScan. Kim will wrap up with a discussion of Let’s Encrypt for free SSL’s.
Post date : 2019-05-10 10:13 Posted by : peter88
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355 Views D’nelle Dowis: Finding Your Forever Home Page aka How to relax, listen, and wag your tail towards a happy relations
WordPress can do so many things – amplify your voice, sell your widgets, transform leads into customers… the list goes on. What WordPress can’t do is build, grow, or maintain itself. That’s why you hired a developer, right? Finding the right developer or agency to help you realize your website dreams is no easy feat. How do you tell the difference between “good” and “bad” developers when you’re not speaking the same language? If you’ve ever: worried that your developer would take down your site if you complain; had a project last for 3+ months more than you originally expected; sent the same question to your developer multiple times without getting a straight answer; been abandoned once a project is over, the You need a better strategy for choosing a development partner or rehabilitating your relationship with your existing developer. Her talk will cover strategies for choosing a development partner or fixing an existing dysfunctional relationship, supported by lots of cute animal gifs and practical tips for finding your Forever Home and keeping your developer happy. Target audience: WordPress website owners who outsource some or all site development & support.
Post date : 2019-05-10 10:11 Posted by : peter88
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343 Views Cain & Obenland In The Morning
Come one, come all! Grab a cup of coffee and join Automatticians Konstantin Obenland and Michael Cain for a morning show-style WordCamp talk that’s buckets o’fun for anyone and everyone. We’ll break the session into three segments: news from around the WordPress world; a special guest interview with a WordPress “celebrity”; and a “shop talk” segment about a design or development topic that we’re hoping to learn more about by pretending to be experts in front of you, our audience. There will be laughter (hopefully?), there will be tears (regrettably?), there will even be some awkward silences (definitely). But most importantly, there will be plenty of that whole-grained, balanced-diet WordPress that you just can’t get enough of.
Post date : 2019-05-10 10:09 Posted by : peter88
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343 Views Chris Lema: Designing Your eCommerce Site For Conversions
It’s easy to install an eCommerce plugin like WooCommerce and then wait for the sales to come in. In reality, there’s a lot of designing that goes into a high converting store – and it’s more than great photos.
Post date : 2019-05-10 10:08 Posted by : peter88
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375 Views Brian Stinar: Using Arrays as Plugin Variables … Or Why I Should Patch Core
For one of our customers, we required variable length arguments to be passed into plugin configuration options. WordPress core only supports scaler (single variable) assignment. So, we modified the plugin itself to support this. This talk will be a line-by-line code review on the work we did. The talk will be split between PHP and jQuery. Proficiency at both is assumed. If we need to do this for another (paying) customer, we’ll likely take that opportunity to make these modifications to core. Until then, the actual code we display will be publicly available under a GPL license. The rest of the plugin code will not be displayed, and has an indeterminate license.
Post date : 2019-05-10 10:06 Posted by : peter88
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367 Views Ashleigh Axios: Design and Authentic Communication
Join Ashleigh Axios for behind-the-scenes insights into how communication design and community building were developed in-house at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue during the Obama administration. Ashleigh will show-and-tell how her small design team transformed daunting challenges into successful digital campaigns. Behind the projects, hear her team’s scalable tactics for tackling limited resources, overcoming impossibly quick timelines, and experimenting while in the public spotlight.
Post date : 2019-05-10 10:04 Posted by : peter88
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357 Views Sakin Shrestha: Building a Theme Business: My Story
I will be sharing my experiences in the theme business sector and the ways to succeed on it during my speech. I will be presenting many ideas, views, concepts, and strategies to elongate one’s Theme Business by emphasizing my own personal story. I, like any other person, have had many ups and downs in my professional life and I have had to make many changes within myself to be where I am today. So, I will be sharing all my life’s work amongst all my colleagues in the crowd. I will not be just talking about myself though. I will also be enthusiastically introducing the businesses that I currently am involved in, using WordPress, like DevotePress, NepalBuzz, ThemePalace, ThemeReview.co, etc., along with my theme site – Catch Themes. Most importantly, I will be telling people that theme business is a fun and innovative business to be in. With just a little bit of perseverance and dedication, one can have a fun and financially sound life ahead of them.
Post date : 2019-05-10 10:03 Posted by : peter88