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371 Views 'The Opposites Game'
This animation is part of the TED-Ed series, "There's a Poem for That," which features animated interpretations of poems both old and new that give language to some of life's biggest feelings. [Poem by Brendan Constantine, directed by Anna Samo & Lisa LaBracio, music by Weston Fonger].
Post date : 2019-06-06 00:56 Posted by : peter88
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402 Views 'Everything happens for a reason' — and other lies I've loved
In life's toughest moments, how do you go on living? Kate Bowler has been exploring this question ever since she was diagnosed with stage IV cancer at age 35. In a profound, heartbreaking and unexpectedly funny talk, she offers some answers -- challenging the idea that "everything happens for a reason" and sharing hard-won wisdom about how to make sense of the world after your life is suddenly, completely changed. "I believe that in the darkness, even there, there will be beauty and there will be love," she says.
Post date : 2019-06-06 00:54 Posted by : peter88
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387 Views How light technology is changing medicine
It's an increasingly common sight in hospitals around the world: a nurse measures our height, weight, blood pressure, and attaches a glowing plastic clip to our finger. Suddenly, a digital screen reads out the oxygen level in our bloodstream. How did that happen? Sajan Saini shows how pairing light with integrated photonics is leading to new medical technologies and less invasive diagnostic tools. [Directed by Artrake Studio, narrated by Addison Anderson].
Post date : 2019-06-06 00:52 Posted by : peter88
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379 Views The lies our culture tells us about what matters — and a better way to live
Our society is in the midst of a social crisis, says op-ed columnist and author David Brooks: we're trapped in a valley of isolation and fragmentation. How do we find our way out? Based on his travels across the United States -- and his meetings with a range of exceptional people known as "weavers" -- Brooks lays out his vision for a cultural revolution that empowers us all to lead lives of greater meaning, purpose and joy.
Post date : 2019-06-06 00:50 Posted by : peter88
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359 Views A bold idea to replace politicians
César Hidalgo has a radical suggestion for fixing our broken political system: automate it! In this provocative talk, he outlines a bold idea to bypass politicians by empowering citizens to create personalized AI representatives that participate directly in democratic decisions. Explore a new way to make collective decisions and expand your understanding of democracy.
Post date : 2019-06-03 17:19 Posted by : peter88
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365 Views Una idea osada para reemplazar a los políticos
César Hidalgo nos propone una idea radical para arreglar el sistema político roto: ¡automatízalo! En una charla que te hace reflexionar, explica la idea de cómo llegar a reemplazar a los políticos para empoderar a los ciudadanos con agentes virtuales personalizados que voten directamente en los proyectos de ley. Explora una nueva manera de tomar decisiones colectivas y desarrolla su compresión de la democracia.
Post date : 2019-06-03 17:17 Posted by : peter88
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346 Views How does the Rorschach inkblot test work?
For nearly a century, ten inkblots have been used as an almost mystical personality test. Long kept confidential for psychologists and their patients, the mysterious images were said to draw out the workings of a person's mind. But what can inkblots really tell us, and how does this test work? Damion Searls details how the Rorschach Test can help us understand the patterns of our perceptions. [Directed by Kozmonot Animation Studio, narrated by Addison Anderson, music by Deniz Dogancay].
Post date : 2019-06-03 17:15 Posted by : peter88
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350 Views How we can store digital data in DNA
From floppy disks to thumb drives, every method of storing data eventually becomes obsolete. What if we could find a way to store all the world's data forever? Bioinformatician Dina Zielinski shares the science behind a solution that's been around for a few billion years: DNA.
Post date : 2019-06-03 17:13 Posted by : peter88
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369 Views The most powerful woman you've never heard of
Everyone's heard of Martin Luther King Jr. But do you know the woman Dr. King called "the architect of the civil rights movement," Septima Clark? The teacher of some of the generation's most legendary activists -- like Rosa Parks, Diane Nash, Fannie Lou Hamer and thousands more -- Clark laid out a blueprint for change-making that has stood the test of time. Now T. Morgan Dixon and Vanessa Garrison, the cofounders of GirlTrek, are taking a page from Clark's playbook to launch a health revolution in the US -- and get one million women walking for justice. (This ambitious idea is part of the Audacious Project, TED's initiative to inspire and fund global change.)
Post date : 2019-06-03 17:12 Posted by : peter88
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355 Views Why should you read Sylvia Plath?
Under her shrewd eye and pen, Sylvia Plath turned everyday objects into haunting images: a "new statue in a drafty museum," a shadow in a mirror, a slab of soap. Her breathtaking perspectives and unflinching language made her a touchstone for readers seeking to break the silence around issues of trauma, frustration and sexuality. Iseult Gillespie shares why Plath's writing continues to captivate. [Directed by Sarah Saidan, narrated by Bethany Cutmore-Scott, music by Stephen LaRosa].
Post date : 2019-06-03 16:09 Posted by : peter88