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350 Views Mentalism, mind reading and the art of getting inside your head
"Magic is a great analogy for how we edit reality and form a story -- and then mistake that story for the truth," says psychological illusionist Derren Brown. In a clever talk wrapped around a dazzling mind-reading performance, Brown explores the seductive appeal of finding simple answers to life's complex and subtle questions.
Post date : 2019-07-23 15:30 Posted by : peter88
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352 Views Can you solve the dark matter fuel riddle?
It's an incredible discovery: an abandoned alien space station filled with precursor technology. Now every species in the galaxy is in a mad dash to get there first, but you've got a problem. Your ship can't hold enough fuel to get you there unless you vent caches of it into space at precise points and then come back for the fuel later. Can you reach the alien space station? Dan Finkel shows how. [Directed by Artrake Studio, narrated by Addison Anderson].
Post date : 2019-07-23 15:29 Posted by : peter88
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305 Views The fundamental right to seek asylum
Refugee and immigrants rights attorney Melanie Nezer shares an urgently needed historical perspective on the crisis at the southern US border, showing how citizens can hold their governments accountable for protecting the vulnerable. "A country shows strength through compassion and pragmatism, not through force and through fear," she says.
Post date : 2019-07-23 15:28 Posted by : peter88
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332 Views A new way to get every child ready for kindergarten
Early education is critical to children's success -- but millions of kids in the United States still don't have access to programs that prepare them to thrive in kindergarten and beyond. Enter the UPSTART Project, a plan to bring early learning into the homes of children in underserved communities, at no cost to families. Education innovator Claudia Miner shares how UPSTART is setting four-year-olds up for success with 15 minutes of learning a day -- and how you can help. (This ambitious plan is a part of the Audacious Project, TED's initiative to inspire and fund global change.)
Post date : 2019-07-23 15:26 Posted by : peter88
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333 Views How we can improve maternal healthcare — before, during and after pregnancy
Shocking, but true: the United States has the highest rate of deaths for new mothers of any developed country -- and 60 percent of them are preventable. With clarity and urgency, physician Elizabeth Howell explains the causes of maternal mortality and shares ways for hospitals and doctors to make pregnancy safer for women before, during and after childbirth.
Post date : 2019-07-23 15:25 Posted by : peter88
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374 Views Ancient Rome's most notorious doctor
In the 16th century, an anatomist named Andreas Vesalius made a shocking discovery: the most famous human anatomy texts in the world were wrong. While Vesalius knew he was right, announcing the errors would mean challenging Galen of Pergamon. Who was this towering figure? And why was he still revered and feared 1,300 years later? Ramon Glazov profiles the most renowned physician in medical history. [Directed by Anton Bogaty, narrated by Addison Anderson].
Post date : 2019-07-23 12:20 Posted by : peter88
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349 Views How a typeface helped launch Apollo
When humanity first landed on the moon in 1969, the typeface Futura was right there with them. In this fascinating history of typography, designer Douglas Thomas shares Futura's role in launching the Apollo 11 spacecraft -- and how it became one of the most used fonts in the world.
Post date : 2019-07-23 12:18 Posted by : peter88
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318 Views The architectural wonder of impermanent cities
Every 12 years, a megacity springs up in India for the Kumbh Mela religious festival -- what's built in ten weeks is completely disassembled in one. What can we learn from this fully functioning, temporary settlement? In a visionary talk, urban designer Rahul Mehrotra explores the benefits of building impermanent cities that can travel, adapt or even disappear, leaving the lightest possible footprint on the planet.
Post date : 2019-07-23 12:15 Posted by : peter88
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439 Views Market Research Agencies in India | Market Research Agency
We are the best and professional Market Research agencies in India, providing Strategy, analysis data reports, business planning to clients in all sectors. Best Market Research Agency in India
Post date : 2019-07-13 17:32 Posted by : arrowpointindia
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407 Views Market Research Companies in Bangalore | Mumbai
Arrow Point is one of the fastest growing Market Research Companies in Bangalore and Mumbai. We offer mystery shopping, statistical modeling, branding and more
Post date : 2019-07-13 17:31 Posted by : arrowpointindia