Rob Stinson: Running a Remote Team. Insights from a WordPress Startup and a 13-year-old Remote Agency
This talk will skip over the obvious stuff and get stuck straight into techniques and tools that make remote work truly awesome! Learn how you can empower your team to become far more than just a bunch of people connected via a backlog of tasks and a dodgy NBN connection.
Post date : 2019-10-24 15:56
Posted by : peter88

Ingrid Moyle: The Day the Hackers Came: What Happened When 80% of my Client’s Sites Were Hacked in One Day
This session will explore why WordPress sites get hacked, how you know you have been hacked, what are the implications of a hack, and what are some of your options to fix your hacked site. It will also look at both simple and more complex solutions to reduce your risk to your WordPress website so you never face a similar night of horror.
Post date : 2019-10-24 15:55
Posted by : peter88

Alex Bishop: Advanced Custom Blocks – creating customised editing experiences in a Gutenberg world using ACF
The block revolution is undoubtedly here, but not everyone has been able to embrace it yet. If you’ve never used ReactJS before it may seem intimidating, or at the very least time consuming to go all-in on the new editor and create custom blocks for every situation you come across.
Post date : 2019-10-24 15:54
Posted by : peter88

Wesley Eldridge: GraphQL and Vue for WordPress
Learn how to use GraphQL and Vue to build an interactive WordPress site.
We will go over some of the motivations and fundamentals behind GraphQL. From there we will install wp-graphql and VueJs. Finally we will get the client and server to talk to each delivering data via GraphQL.
Post date : 2019-10-24 12:36
Posted by : peter88

Jacqui Jones: Repurposing – From Site to Social
This talk will help content creators get more use of their website and blog content while eliminating the stresses of social media management.
Post date : 2019-10-24 11:51
Posted by : peter88

Gal Baras: How to Make Your Site Load 5 Times Faster in 10 Minutes (for FREE)
Page loading speed is critical these days for user experience, particularly on mobile phones, and therefore for SEO. Research shows that a 1-second difference in loading time can have a huge impact on site conversions.
Luckily, there are some awesome plugins that make speeding up your site light work. Using them, you can get 95% of the possible performance boost using only FREE plugins.
Post date : 2019-10-24 11:47
Posted by : peter88

Jen Jeavons: What goes into a $50K+ WordPress website
How much is a website worth? Isn’t WordPress just templates?? In this presentation, Jen will showcase just how much you can do with a custom WordPress site. She’ll show you how the team at Pixel Palace build premium custom WordPress websites that are worth every cent to clients. She’ll uncover how to make your website work valuable as well as profitable and how to escape the race to the bottom in terms of price. For business owners looking to invest in a new website, you’ll gain insight into successfully navigating the crazy world of website quotes for your business.
Post date : 2019-10-24 11:46
Posted by : peter88

Samuel Levy: You Can’t Do that With WordPress
In the past 15 years the technology of the web has evolved, enabling exciting new techniques and tools for web developers. WordPress has evolved with it, but some of the newer and more exciting tools are still out of reach… or are they?
This is a developer focused talk about bringing newer technologies into WordPress development through the use (and abuse) of plugins and themes.
Post date : 2019-10-23 22:56
Posted by : peter88

Paul Luxford: 10 Things Your WordPress Website Can Do… That You May Not Know it Could
Have you ever wondered what your website could do for you, other than just being a pretty brochure online? In this talk, discover 10 things that your website could do that you may not have thought was possible.
Post date : 2019-10-23 22:54
Posted by : peter88

Pablo Moratinos: A/B Testing con WordPress
Para tomar decisiones de diseño, copywriting o negocio en tu web con WordPress, nada mejor que basarte en datos fiables. La intuición puede ayudarte pero también puede hacerte perder mucho dinero.
Los test A/B y multivariante son herramientas que permiten validar una hipótesis de mejora en tu sitio web, tu newsletter o incluso tus campañas de Facebook y Google Ads, con ciertas garantías de éxito.
En esta charla descubrirás cuándo son adecuados los test a/b, cómo diseñarlos, cómo crearlos en WordPress y cómo saber cuándo son concluyentes sus resultados.
Full presentation slides:
Post date : 2019-10-23 22:52
Posted by : peter88