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286 Views Martin Sauter: Mehrsprachige Websites mit WordPress
WordPress unterstützt zwar die Lokalisierung von Websites, aber keine mehrsprachigen Websites. Erst Plugins wie WPML, Polylang oder MultilingualPress machen WordPress mehrsprachig – und verfolgen dabei sehr unterschiedliche Ansätze. In dieser Session geht es einerseits darum, wie man eine WordPress-Website lokalisiert (inkl. Übersetzung von Language Packs), und andererseits darum, wie sich der Übersetzungsprozess mit den verschiedenen Mehrsprachigkeits-Plugins gestaltet. Full presentation slides: https://2019.zurich.wordcamp.org/files/2019/08/Mehrsprachige-Websites-mit-WordPress-WCZRH-2019-09-14
Post date : 2019-10-25 14:01 Posted by : peter88
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307 Views Jacob Crawford: The Nuts and Bolts of Becoming a Full-Time Content Writer
Do you have a passion for blogging? Coding? Making silly pictures, GIFs, or videos? You should get paid for it. While it isn’t quite the easy-going, picturesque career most influencers proclaim it is, freelance content creation is an incredible job that allows you to express yourself in fun, exciting ways. And Jake wants to help you get started. In this talk, Jacob Crawford will share how he turned his blogging hobby into a full-time career and examine the pitfalls that plague most freelancers, such as time tracking, finding clients, determining rates, and filing taxes.
Post date : 2019-10-25 13:59 Posted by : peter88
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303 Views April Wier: Creating a Content Calendar
Being a blogger sounds like fun, but not when you are staring at an empty calendar you have committed to filling with content. April will walk you through planning your content for the next 12 months, so you always know what you are writing about. Walk away with a solid plan and the confidence to start creating great value for your readers.
Post date : 2019-10-25 13:53 Posted by : peter88
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281 Views Charles Johnston: WordPress for Non-Profits: Website Best Practices for donation-based model websites
Charles will discuss plugins that he finds work well for donation-based model websites, and share ways to create a user experience to increase donations and awareness. Proper theme selection, SEO, and plugins not only enhance the way we tell a nonprofit’s story, but also build brand awareness and in turn create a sense of comfort for the donor that they are supporting a cause which resonates with them. Whether the cause relates to animal welfare, orphans or trafficking, a properly designed site can attract donor dollars and exposure that the organisation might not have otherwise.
Post date : 2019-10-25 13:52 Posted by : peter88
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306 Views Alberto Medina, Thierry Muller : Progressive WordPress: Bringing Modern Open Web Solutions to WordPress
Succeeding as a WordPress publisher entails many elements, including timely and engaging content, knowing your audience, outstanding SEO, listening to your users, amplifying your content, and others. In this talk, we cover the notion of Progressive WordPress which Google has been heavily involved in for the past 3 years. That is, bringing modern open web solutions to WordPress. Full presentation slides: https://2019.zurich.wordcamp.org/files/2019/08/Progressive-WordPress-WordCamp-ZRH.pdf
Post date : 2019-10-25 13:49 Posted by : peter88
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314 Views Robert Windisch: Build, maintain and sell a WordPress Plugin – Lessons learned
We gained experience by building several WordPress plugins and offer them for free or selling them on different platforms. I will tell you the story of our MultilingualPress plugin and what we learned by developing a Multilingual Plugin.
Post date : 2019-10-24 16:07 Posted by : peter88
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315 Views Micah Wood: Becoming a More Productive Developer
As developers, we are constantly building tools to help make other people’s lives easier. How often have you stopped to focus on making your own job easier? In this talk we will cover the three pillars of productivity, analyze our workflow for optimizations, and identify key leverage points that will allow us to exponentially increase our output. Full presentation slides: http://link.wpscholar.com/developer-productivity
Post date : 2019-10-24 16:05 Posted by : peter88
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327 Views Kate Toon: Why No One is Reading Your Blog Posts (and how to change that)
We all know creating engaging content is THE number one way to build trust and authority for any brand. Writing awesome blogs establishes you as a credible expert, helps you build a steady flow of WordPress clients and gives you the opportunity to educate and help your customers. https://2019.brisbane.wordcamp.org/session/why-no-one-is-reading-your-blog-posts-and-how-to-change-that/
Post date : 2019-10-24 16:04 Posted by : peter88
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308 Views Rajendra Zore: How I Built My WordPress Business with (Almost) Zero Investment
Now that WordPress is maturing and the ecosystem is thriving, it may seem overwhelming to start a new business. But you can do it. https://2019.brisbane.wordcamp.org/session/how-i-built-my-wordpress-business-with-almost-zero-investment/
Post date : 2019-10-24 15:58 Posted by : peter88
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296 Views Rob Stinson: Running a Remote Team. Insights from a WordPress Startup and a 13-year-old Remote Agency
This talk will skip over the obvious stuff and get stuck straight into techniques and tools that make remote work truly awesome! Learn how you can empower your team to become far more than just a bunch of people connected via a backlog of tasks and a dodgy NBN connection. https://2019.brisbane.wordcamp.org/session/running-a-remote-team-insights-from-a-wordpress-startup-and-a-13-year-old-remote-agency/
Post date : 2019-10-24 15:56 Posted by : peter88