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372 Views Why we need more (real) science in fiction
Filmmaker, biologist and TED Fellow Alexis Gambis makes films grounded in fact, straddling the genres of experimental, documentary and fiction. Showing clips of his work, Gambis demonstrates how storytelling helps explain important scientific advancements and social issues -- and how it can be a lens on our own humanity. "We need more real science in fictional movies, to create more eclectic, more inclusive, more poetic portrayals of science and scientists in the world," he says.
Post date : 2019-10-27 10:11 Posted by : moviegoer
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496 Views How I bring myth and magic to life
Recent scientific developments have made possible things once attributed only to gods and mythologies. Artist and TED Fellow Hiromi Ozaki shows how she worked with scientists in biotechnology and genetic engineering to turn one myth -- the Red String of Fate -- into a reality.
Post date : 2019-10-27 10:10 Posted by : moviegoer
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374 Views The sounds and sights of tap dance
The audio aspect of tap dancing is just as essential as the visual. Listen and watch as TED Fellow Andrew Nemr performs a choose-your-own-adventure dance, joined by an ensemble from the Vancouver Tap Dance Society.
Post date : 2019-10-27 10:08 Posted by : moviegoer
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321 Views Michelle Ames: How to empower clients to use their website – and client-proof them at the same time
Have you ever had a client insist on having admin access to their website? They own it, so they have that right…but how long did it take before they called you to fix what they broke once they logged in? While clients who break their own sites are guaranteed revenue, those calls never come at a convenient time and are ALWAYS urgent. So what can we do to both empower our clients and make sure their sites continue to run well? This talk will present several ideas for ways that we can do just that, including: Helpful plugins How to train a client in WordPress How to set user permissions How to set pricing for fixing mistakes Creating a user manual Other tips for managing the client relationship Attendees will leave with some good ideas and action items to better help clients help themselves…or not.
Post date : 2019-10-25 14:11 Posted by : peter88
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317 Views Estela Garcia Zamora: Unscramble my design: UX tricks!
We all want our sites to be clear, beautiful and easy to use… But how? Well, while the Design and UX practice is wild and complex, there are simple guidelines we can follow to clean our layouts and start getting the taste of a good user experience. To do this we’ll explore by comparison examples of ‘fixes’ that we can apply to our designs, to better communicate, such as: alignment, color and content hierarchy. Join this session if you are interested in design and usability. Full presentation slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B29Fz0QKyBp8MVQtZHlhMDRVaHVkbWpJVjNiSDZ1NThDZGsw/view
Post date : 2019-10-25 14:09 Posted by : peter88
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290 Views Jean-Francois Arseneault – Bâtissez votre empire avec WooCommerce Subscriptions
Avez-vous déjà rêvé au “1 000 $ par semaine” en devenant Gagnant à vie? Aimeriez-vous cesser les cycles d’abondance-famine et stabiliser vos revenus d’entreprise? Venez voir comment utiliser WooCommerce Subscriptions et mettre en place différentes stratégies de vente de produits et services sous forme d’abonnements. Il vous sera ainsi possible de régulariser vos entrées d’argent, augmenter la fidélisation de votre clientèle et réduire vos coûts d’opération. Ceci sera appuyé par des exemples concrets : avec la mise-en-place de systèmes automatisés de renouvellements, à vous la gloire, la richesse et les siestes à tous les jours! Full presentation slides: https://www.slideshare.net/jfarsen/batissez-votre-empire-avec-woocommerce-subscriptions
Post date : 2019-10-25 14:07 Posted by : peter88
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314 Views Jennifer Doré Dallas: Outils indispensables pour blogueurs
La vie de blogueur se résume à avoir plein d’idées et d’inspiration, mais jamais assez de temps pour tout accomplir. Grâce à ces différents outils connexes à WordPress et à votre flux de travail quotidien, simplifiez votre quotidien et vos publications. Nous couvrirons des sujets comme les extensions (plugins) pour vous assurer une publication de qualité avec moins d’efforts (SEO, calendriers, flux de travail, etc.), les différents outils que vous pourriez utiliser autour de WordPress et les ajouts incontournables à votre vie à 100 km/h! Vous repartirez en sachant que vous pourrez gagner du temps sans diminuer la qualité de votre blogue. Full presentation slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JTz4LviBKWh6hjGMegBhYc3_g0qvY9kP/view
Post date : 2019-10-25 14:06 Posted by : peter88
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288 Views Andrea Zoellner: Effective Copywriting Tips for Better UX
When we think about UX, we’re often too focused on fonts, colors, and flow to think about microcopy – those small bits of text that guide users through almost every part of a web interface. These words may be tiny, but they can make a significant difference in the usability of your design and even affect your site’s conversion rates. Key takeaways. In this talk, I will share copywriting and communication tips that will immediately improve your user interface microcopy, such as error messages and interface instructions, so your users experience less frustration and more delight. Talk attendees will get a quick introduction to branding and communication principles, basic UX principles, and how to evaluate effective copy in website flows. They will also see real examples of before and after situations where simple changes made a big difference and how and where to apply the same changes to their own sites.
Post date : 2019-10-25 14:05 Posted by : peter88
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314 Views Najomie Cournoyer: Comment je me suis lancée & mon processus de branding
On me demande souvent à quoi ressemble ma journée, comment j’ai fait pour être travailleur autonome, ensuite comment j’ai commencé à engager des employés avec aucun bagage de gestion de commerce ou de ventes et avec un “simple” DEP. Dans cette conférence, je présenterai les différentes étapes de mon parcours pour me lancer à mon compte, développer une clientèle fidèle et trippante, comment j’ai augmenter les revenus de l’entreprise en passant par mes bons coups et mes échecs. Je parlerai en plus de ma partie préférée de ma business, le branding et tout mon processus (vente, recherches, moodboard, conception, pitch). Mes conférences sont toujours soupoudrée par du développement personnel. Si on ne se connaît pas, si on est pas alignés avec nos valeurs, c’est difficile d’avancer dans la bonne direction et de voir clair.
Post date : 2019-10-25 14:03 Posted by : peter88
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305 Views Aida Marie Correa: Blogging, Even If You Think You Can’t Write
Have you ever wanted to start a blog, but were too reluctant to try because you don’t think you have the proper writing skills? Come learn about the different types of blogs you can start that can be fun, authentic and engaging to your audience – without being “spammy” – even if you’re not a traditional blog writer. We’ll explore different ways you can blog that don’t require phenomenal writing skills, but will still showcase your interests, knowledge or expertise. I’ll also share additional resources that will make getting started on your very own blog even easier! In the end, you’ll be so inspired that you might even start your blog right away!
Post date : 2019-10-25 14:02 Posted by : peter88