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399 Views Joseph LoPreste: Web Accessibility made easy for WordPress
We explain what the WCAG 2.1 guidelines are and why they are so important to us as WordPress developers and agencies. Then we offer our easy and actionable steps that you can do to your website as soon as you get home to help you become compliant. We of course go through and explain each step we offer so you will understand clearly. Finally, we offer some resources and links to completely free plugins that you can use to test your websites Section 508 compliance and help your compliance instantly. Full presentation slides: https://2019.birmingham.wordcamp.org/files/2019/08/Accessibility-Made-Easy-no-gifs.pdf
Post date : 2019-10-30 15:26 Posted by : moviegoer
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444 Views Jenny Beaumont: Doing it wrong
The Internet was the promise of freedom of information, but it never promised the information would be truthful or objective. What was good for you yesterday, isn’t today. Fail fast, fail early, fail often, but filter the imperfections out of your Instagram. Cultivate your intuition, and fear nothing, but how can you be sure that your intuition isn’t a fight-or-flight response? Since the first time she was told she was ‘doing it wrong’, Jenny has been fascinated by the contradictions of ‘fact’ and ‘truth’ that shape how we view the world. Join her as she explores science, history, medicine, yoga, agile and more; and how these ideas affect us as individuals and as members of a rapidly growing community.
Post date : 2019-10-28 18:36 Posted by : moviegoer
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415 Views Marcel Bootsman: Why I walked more than 700km to Berlin, and survived
Marcel walked more than 700 kilometers to get to WordCamp Europe to raise funds for a good cause in the WordPress community. He will tell you about his preparation, the journey itself, people he met, and how he managed to step away from his company for a month to do it.
Post date : 2019-10-28 18:28 Posted by : moviegoer
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392 Views Joe McGill: Semantic content in a block editing world
The Gutenberg block editor gives us new and exciting possibilities to create visually rich content in WordPress using block-based authoring tools. But what if we don’t know how our content is going to be displayed? Joe will take a look at what happens when we make assumptions about the visual presentation of our content, based on the tools we use to create that content. He will explore the advantages and tradeoffs that come from keeping the structure of your content distinct from the presentation of that content, and look at examples of how we can maintain this separation while providing compelling visual authoring experiences for people using our custom authoring tools.
Post date : 2019-10-28 18:27 Posted by : moviegoer
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540 Views Daniel Kanchev: More aim, less blame: How to use postmortems to turn failures into something valuable
Mistakes and failure are inevitable. Instead of being afraid of them, we should use them as lessons that help identify weak points in our organisations and systems. One way to do this is by writing blameless postmortems. Daniel details exactly how postmortems can help organisations and teams focus on improvement, and how that boosts work morale, makes products better, and strengthens your relationship with customers.
Post date : 2019-10-28 18:25 Posted by : moviegoer
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420 Views Kåre Steffensen: How Gutenberg changed the way we sell WordPress sites
In early 2018, Peytz & Co started using Gutenberg to power a boilerplate theme on which they built custom websites. Kåre will talk about how Gutenberg helped better align sale pitch and client understanding of what is actually developed in a modular approach when looking at functionality and content, on a website that is bound to change over time.
Post date : 2019-10-28 18:23 Posted by : moviegoer
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388 Views Francesca Marano: The art of networking
Networking is a great tool to grow your business. It can help you find new ideas, new customers, new partners, and even a new job if you are looking for a career change. Networking comes naturally to some people but is dreaded by others. It can be hard if you are not an extrovert and it is time consuming. The good news is you can learn how to network! How do you get out of your comfort zone and push yourself to talk to potentially interesting people? How do you measure the return on investment? How do you find a good balance between schmoosing and getting down to business? Let’s find out together!
Post date : 2019-10-28 18:22 Posted by : moviegoer
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388 Views Rahul Bansal: The art of pricing
Whether you are selling a service or product, setting the right price for a globally diverse customer base is hard. Because WordPress is used by everyone from individuals to billion-dollar corporations, setting the price is even harder. So how do you master the art of pricing? Over 10 years, Rahul performed a number of experiments and learned lessons, sometimes the hard way. He will share his wisdom, the tactics he used, and real-life experience. Yes, all in 10 minutes!
Post date : 2019-10-28 18:20 Posted by : moviegoer
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385 Views Rob Hope: Gutenberg and page builder plugins: two great tastes that taste great together
Attention spans are diminishing online, so we need to get to the point with our landing pages. We should start by identifying the user problem, then promote just one solution in an uncluttered and direct manner. This allows the visitor to make a quick decision, rather than sending them to a bloated website with many options. Rob covers the essential things to include on your landing page while encouraging a minimalistic design approach.
Post date : 2019-10-28 18:19 Posted by : moviegoer
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352 Views Pascal Birchler: On multilingual WordPress sites
To democratise publishing, internationalisation is one of many barriers that WordPress needs to overcome. That’s why, for 2020 and beyond, the goal is to find an official way to build multilingual websites. Until now, this was considered to be plugin territory, but what is needed to make WordPress a true polyglot? Pascal will cover the status quo of multilingual WordPress websites and share ideas — both from a technical and a user’s perspective — on how WordPress could evolve in this area over the next few years.
Post date : 2019-10-28 18:17 Posted by : moviegoer