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424 Views Bernie Wong: WordPress Site Done, So How to Market It?
Bernie will talk about how to outreach to customers after a WordPress site is launched. Topics include plugin for marketing and content marketing techniques. Full presentation slides: https://speakerdeck.com/wordcamp_hk/wordpress-site-done-so-how-to-market-it-by-bernie-wong
Post date : 2019-10-30 15:58 Posted by : moviegoer
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432 Views Ivan So: 7 Methods to Boost Online Sales for E-shops
Ivan will explain the 7 methods to boost online sales for e-shops. He will also talk about some recommended plugins to achieve each of the 7 methods. Full presentation slides: https://speakerdeck.com/wordcamp_hk/7-methods-to-boost-online-sales-for-e-shops-by-ivan-so
Post date : 2019-10-30 15:50 Posted by : moviegoer
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459 Views Edmond Yu: 404 Not Found遇得多;402有見過麼?
網上內容免費,是常識吧?其實不然。 上過網的人,幾乎都聽過遇過「404 Not Found」,卻幾乎沒有人知道「402 Payment Required」的存在。打從互聯網初期已經預留的 402 狀態碼,反映部分網頁需要收費才符合原初的網絡「常識」。然而一路發展下來,免費內容成為壓倒性的主流,營運者只能倚靠廣告收益,最大的互聯網公司 Google、Facebook 等在此潮流中得到大部分好處,反而大量內容生產者只能艱苦經營。 其實內容收費生態持續在演變,付費牆模式走了十多二十年,到近年才有眉目,其中以電影、音樂、書本、遊戲等比較成熟的產業結構為主。 基於 WordPress 的內容創作,是否也可以抓住收費內容的商業模式,令創作者可以專注內容創作的品質,直接由內容消費者買單?
Post date : 2019-10-30 15:46 Posted by : moviegoer
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386 Views Cesar Tardaguila: Contributing to the WordPress Mobile Apps
Mobile devices provide an extraordinary opportunity to deliver a superior mobile experience to every user, particularly around accessibility and offline/poor connectivity support. The WordPress Mobile Apps, developed as open source, leverages that opportunity to bring the best WordPress experience on the road. This talk, by one of the developers involved in the development of the WordPress Mobile Apps, will contain first hand information on the way the team develops and test them to make sure that they provide the experience that the users expect, and how anyone can contribute to the effort, either coding, testing, contributing designs or documentation. Full presentation slides: https://speakerdeck.com/wordcamp_hk/contributing-to-the-wordpress-mobile-apps-by-cesar-tardaguila
Post date : 2019-10-30 15:45 Posted by : moviegoer
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375 Views Hidekazu Ishikawa: 初心者がつまずかないための、いちばんやさしい WordPress の用語解説
WordPress でホームページを作ろう!と思って本を購入しても、言葉がわかりにくくて難しいと感じる方は少なくありません。「いちばんやさしいWordPressの教本」の著者として、特に初心者がつまづきやすいポイントである「WordPressでできること/できないこと」「WordPressのしくみ」「レンタルサーバー」「テーマ」「プラグイン」の5つに絞って解説します。 Full presentation slides: https://www.slideshare.net/kurudrive/wordpress-185086444
Post date : 2019-10-30 15:36 Posted by : moviegoer
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374 Views Motoharu Sumi: SEOによって “売れるホームページ” にするたった1つのポイント
本来、中小企業に必要なSEOは「買いたい」検索者を集めること。しかし世の中に出回るSEO情報は「知りたい」意図に応えるコンテンツを作って「ただ知りたいだけ」の検索者を集める、というものばかり。これではアクセスは増えても売上にはつながりません。 「買いたい」検索者を集めるホームページには、お役立ちコンテンツも長文も被リンクも必須ではありません。必須なのはたった1つ「買いたくて訪問してきた人に確実に買ってもらう」方法論だけです。 このセッションでは、これまでのSEOの誤解を明快に解きほぐし、今後やるべきことを明確にお伝えします。 Full presentation slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1BjgxkKRfQcRJ2EMtS6_Yt0hExx-mr-G20wD8zjLCr2g/edit
Post date : 2019-10-30 15:35 Posted by : moviegoer
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384 Views Hokuto Kasai, Tamayo Suzuki: アフィリエイトでマネタイズ!いま知っておくべきトレンドとポイント
副業ブームもあり、WordPress を活用したアフィリエイトでマネタイズにチャレンジする方が増えています。しかし、数年前の情報に振り回されて遠回りしたり、思わぬリスクに直面したりすることも。 昨今の法律改正や集客経路の変化などのトレンドを共有し、注意すべき点や大切にしていただきたい点、そして、今からチャレンジするなら狙い目のポイントもお伝えします。 Full presentation slides: https://www.slideshare.net/secret/7TXxe7q7tjs7uB
Post date : 2019-10-30 15:34 Posted by : moviegoer
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396 Views Stacy M. Clements: WordPress Security: Beyond The Plugin
You installed a security plugin, and you don’t get much traffic anyway since your business is small…so you don’t need to worry about getting hacked, right? While there are several good security plugins that are a useful part of a security plan, securing a WordPress site requires more than a plugin. Plugins are handy tools but can give a false sense of security if the entire security landscape is not considered. You may not have a lot of money to invest, but you can learn a framework and some basic actions to help you get a better grasp on security for your website – and your business.
Post date : 2019-10-30 15:32 Posted by : moviegoer
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382 Views Craig West: Decoupled/Headless WP and WP Components for non-WP sites
Decoupled/Headless WordPress sites allow WordPress to be at the hub of internet technology. Rather than a ‘them and us’, WordPress can be the bridge for the non-technical client, allowing the decoupled site (which can be just HTML/CSS/JS) to integrate all the non-WordPress technologies. The client can have the comfort and reassurance of WordPress CMS, the viewer can benefit from all the other non-WordPress technologies.
Post date : 2019-10-30 15:30 Posted by : moviegoer
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369 Views Alain Schlesser: Building a Realtime Status Page using the Combined Power of Gutenberg and Firebase
Modern infrastructure technologies like serverless computing and real-time databases offer a huge potential for new and improved online user experiences. In this session, we’ll go through a practical use case to find out how we can harness their power in the context of WordPress. We’ll build a Gutenberg block that shows status updates, to be incorporated into a status page. We’ll use serverless computing to allow adding status updates via a Slack command, and we’ll use a real-time database so that all visitors receive these updates in real-time without any impact on our WordPress server.
Post date : 2019-10-30 15:28 Posted by : moviegoer