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387 Views Why lakes and rivers should have the same rights as humans
Water is essential to life. Yet in the eyes of the law, it remains largely unprotected -- leaving many communities without access to safe drinking water, says legal scholar Kelsey Leonard. In this powerful talk, she shows why granting lakes and rivers legal "personhood" -- giving them the same legal rights as humans -- is the first step to protecting our bodies of water and fundamentally transforming how we value this vital resource.
Post date : 2019-12-31 18:10 Posted by : peter88
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412 Views How the gut microbes you're born with affect your lifelong health
Your lifelong health may have been decided the day you were born, says microbiome researcher Henna-Maria Uusitupa. In this fascinating talk, she shows how the gut microbes you acquire during birth and as an infant impact your health into adulthood -- and discusses new microbiome research that could help tackle problems like obesity and diabetes.
Post date : 2019-12-31 18:09 Posted by : peter88
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383 Views Why should you read "The Joy Luck Club" by Amy Tan?
In her Auntie An-mei's home, Jing-Mei reluctantly takes her seat at the eastern corner of the mahjong table. At the north, south and west corners are her aunties, long-time members of the Joy Luck Club. This gathering is the point of departure for a series of interconnected vignettes in Amy Tan's debut novel. Sheila Marie Orfano explores why the novel still captivates readers worldwide. [Directed by Kayu Leung & Alo Trusz, narrated by Pen-Pen Chen].
Post date : 2019-12-31 18:07 Posted by : peter88
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346 Views Your body was forged in the spectacular death of stars
We are all connected by the spectacular birth, death and rebirth of stars, says astrophysicist Enrico Ramirez-Ruiz. Journey through the cosmic history of the universe as Ramirez-Ruiz explains how supernovas forged the elements of life to create everything from the air you breathe to the very atoms that make you.
Post date : 2019-12-31 18:06 Posted by : peter88
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356 Views Why should you read "Dune" by Frank Herbert?
A mother and son trek across an endless desert. Wearing special suits to dissipate heat and recycle moisture, the travelers aren't worried about dying of thirst. Their fears are much greater. Soon, the sound of the desert is drowned out by a hissing: a mound of sand 400 meters long bursts from the desert floor and races towards them. This is the world of "Dune." Dan Kwartler dives into the epic story. [Directed by Recircle, narrated by Addison Anderson, music by Cem Misirlioglu / WORKPLAYWORK].
Post date : 2019-12-31 18:05 Posted by : peter88
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355 Views How we can protect truth in the age of misinformation
Fake news can sway elections, tank economies and sow discord in everyday life. Data scientist Sinan Aral demystifies how and why it spreads so quickly -- citing one of the largest studies on misinformation -- and identifies five strategies to help us unweave the tangled web between true and false.
Post date : 2019-12-31 18:04 Posted by : peter88
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365 Views What we're getting wrong in the fight to end hunger
In a world that's wasting more food than ever before, why do one in nine people still go to bed hungry each night? Social entrepreneur Jasmine Crowe calls for a radical transformation to our fight to end global hunger -- challenging us to rethink our routine approaches to addressing food insecurity and sharing how we can use technology to gather unused food and deliver it directly to people in need.
Post date : 2019-12-31 18:02 Posted by : peter88
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345 Views The philosophy of cynicism
In the 4th century BCE, a young Diogenes of Sinope was found to be counterfeiting coins. He was stripped of his citizenship, his money, all his possessions and sent into exile. He decided he would live self-sufficiently, close to nature, without materialism, vanity, or conformity and only then could he be truly free. William D. Desmond details how Diogenes gave rise to the philosophy of cynicism. [Directed by Avi Ofer, narrated by Addison Anderson, music by Stephen LaRosa].
Post date : 2019-12-31 17:52 Posted by : peter88
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339 Views How to turn off work thoughts during your free time
Feeling burned out? You may be spending too much time ruminating about your job, says psychologist Guy Winch. Learn how to stop worrying about tomorrow's tasks or stewing over office tensions with three simple techniques aimed at helping you truly relax and recharge after work.
Post date : 2019-12-31 17:47 Posted by : peter88
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338 Views Why winning doesn't always equal success
Valorie Kondos Field knows a lot about winning. As the longtime coach of the UCLA women's gymnastics team, she won championship after championship and has been widely acclaimed for her leadership. In this inspiring, brutally honest and, at times, gut-wrenching talk, she shares the secret to her success. Hint: it has nothing to do with "winning."
Post date : 2019-12-31 17:44 Posted by : peter88