Imran Sayed and Ajit Bohra: Digging into Gutenberg
It’s been over a year since Gutenberg was released with WordPress 5.0 and we have seen some great improvements.
While Gutenberg continues to outshine on the content creation experience, there have been so many updates and changes in Gutenberg that it’s hard to keep up. Many developers also find block development challenging because there is a learning curve to React and JavaScript
Whether you are someone who always thought of digging into it, but never started, the one who is left behind, or even just want to get your questions answered, this online meetup is for you.
It’s time to challenge those challenges.
This meetup helps you build those core concepts and have your questions answered, by diving deep into Gutenberg
Topics that will be covered:
– Touch on basics of Gutenberg
– Understand how things work in Gutenberg behind the scenes.
– Understanding the Gutenberg core.
– Build tools like @wordpress/wp-scripts and @wordpress/create-block
– WordPress Data Module.
– Current State and Future of Gutenberg.
– Contributing to Gutenberg
Presentation Slides:
Post date : 2020-04-04 13:21
Posted by : peter88

Stefan Kremer: WordPress Security 101
Some general thoughts on how to secure your WordPress installation and demoing some mitigation by the example of iThemes Security. Recording of the online meetup via Zoom
Presentation Slides:
Post date : 2020-04-04 12:40
Posted by : peter88

Outside a supermarket ( Coronavirus )
Outside a supermarket where a few miles length of people queuing to buy groceries preparing for country lockdown due to coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak.
Post date : 2020-03-27 14:35
Posted by : peter88

Man arrested after claiming to have COVID-19 during Facebook Live inside Walmart
A man has been charged with perpetrating a hoax after he walked around a North Carolina Walmart conducting a Facebook Live saying he tested positive for COVID-19.
Albemarle police said it happened March 18.
According to authorities, Justin Rhodes, 31, was conducting a Facebook Live video inside of the Walmart stating he tested positive for coronavirus.
Detectives with the Albemarle Police Department arrested Rhodes and charged him with felony perpetrating a hoax in a public building and disorderly conduct.
He received a $10,000 bond and is scheduled to appear in court on March 30.
Post date : 2020-03-27 14:31
Posted by : peter88

How many armpits can you count?
How many armpits can you count when he is applying deodorant or anti antiperspirant on his multiple armpits.
Post date : 2020-03-27 14:29
Posted by : peter88

Dozens of UK bikers ignore "social distancing" due to Coronavirus and gather in Derbyshire
Dozens of bikers gathered in Matlock Bath in Derbyshire on Sunday (March 22nd) despite government advice to observe "social distancing" due to Coronavirus outbreak.
Post date : 2020-03-27 14:26
Posted by : peter88

Coffee Time!
no matter who, no matter where!
Post date : 2020-03-27 14:23
Posted by : peter88

Tested Positive for Coronavirus, Goes To Walmart
Guy tested positive for COVID-19 and refuses to self quarantine then goes to Walmart!
Post date : 2020-03-27 14:21
Posted by : peter88

Priest in Italy accidentally turned on filters when giving mass on FB
Priest in Italy accidentally turned on filters when giving mass on FB.
Post date : 2020-03-27 14:19
Posted by : peter88

I can do this! Canadian lady does hilarious mini sit-ups at the gym
A lady in Vancouver, Canada, does mini sit-ups moving her head back and forth making it hilarious to watch.
The footage was captured on March 2, 2020, where she tries to successfully do a full work out but unfortunately fails.
Post date : 2020-03-27 14:17
Posted by : peter88