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387 Views Coronavirus message
A message to our partners about The Coronavirus, "We stand behind you"
Post date : 2020-04-27 20:27 Posted by : peter88
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378 Views Coronavirus Update
How are people in Seoul dealing with the social disruption of the coronavirus outbreak in South Korea? Well, they’re avoiding groups in indoor settings, but not outside.
Post date : 2020-04-27 20:23 Posted by : peter88
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352 Views Kids Coronavirus
This video is about Kids Coronavirus
Post date : 2020-04-27 20:20 Posted by : peter88
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360 Views Coronavirus Announcement
Coronavirus Announcement
Post date : 2020-04-26 00:13 Posted by : peter88
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327 Views Tucker’s Coronavirus PSA
Sharing insights from his molecular biologist grandpa, Winston Salser, Tucker has new appreciation for soap as our "Secret Weapon" against the coronavirus. Suds-in-a-bag!
Post date : 2020-04-26 00:11 Posted by : peter88
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323 Views CORONAVIRUS - conversascristãs - EP7
Episódio 7 - Coronavirus Um coronavirus de uma espécie animal ainda por identificar foi adquirido por humanos numa província no interior da China e ameaça propagar-se pelo mundo. há neste momento uma situação de alerta das autoridades na área da saúde a nível mundial e muito receio no ar. Não sabemos que implicações isso vai ter mas olhamos para este quadro e percebemos a vaidade humana e sua confiança cega na ciência. Na verdade não temos controlo do planeta como gostamos de pensar e a ciência não tem todas as respostas nem todas as soluções para as nossas vidas. O surgimento de mais este virus potencialmente mortal deveria nos humilhar e meditar onde ou em quem realmente podemos encontrar as bases para a vida. #conversascristas #CORONAVIRUS
Post date : 2020-04-26 00:08 Posted by : peter88
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342 Views Coronavirus y cáncer
Mantener en buen estado el sistema inmune durante el cáncer és básico. Y aunque no tengamos cáncer también. Con el coronavirus rondandonóos, te doy algunos consejos para mantener altas tus defensas.
Post date : 2020-04-26 00:06 Posted by : peter88
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339 Views Coronavirus Testing Update
Perspectives from a practicing ER doc on current available Coronavirus testing options.
Post date : 2020-04-26 00:05 Posted by : peter88
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340 Views Coronavirus outbreak
A special lecture on 3 Feb 2020 as part of the Global Health Lecture Series, in partnership with the UK Public Health Rapid Support Team. Includes updates from LSHTM experts responding to the coronavirus outbreak.
Post date : 2020-04-26 00:03 Posted by : peter88
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306 Views Mapping Coronavirus Pandemic
It is believed that the virus called Coronavirus COVID-19 originated in China, Wuhan, but today it is everywhere on the planet. The most affected countries are now closing borders, entire cities in quarantine. This map shows how many of those affected are still sick, recovered or dead to give an idea of how dangerous this virus could be. degafolio.info/apps/coronavirus
Post date : 2020-04-26 00:01 Posted by : peter88