Web Application Firewalls (WAFs)
Die Sicherheit von WordPress-Websites ist ein beliebtes Thema. Interessanterweise geht es dabei häufig um viele Einstellungen und “Security by Obscurity”, echte Sicherheit wird damit nicht hergestellt.
Alternativ gibt es “Web Application Firewalls” (WAFs), die (je nach Ausprägung) einen tatsächlichen und relevanten Schutz vor Angriffen bieten.
Marc Nilius stellt die verschiedenen Arten von WAFs sowie deren Vor- und Nachteile vor und gibt einen Einblick, worauf man bei der Konfiguration und beim Einsatz achten muss.
Post date : 2020-08-30 14:09
Posted by : peter88

An Introduction to the WordPress Open-Source Project
An introduction to the WordPress open source project. In this brief workshop with Courtney Patubo Kranzke and Cami Kaos from the WordPress Community team you’ll learn a little bit about the history of WordPress software, understand better how building open source software differs from building traditional “closed source” software, and learn what teams the WordPress project is divided into. With this, we hope you’ll glean a better understanding of how the WordPress project functions and where you might like to get involved.
Full presentation slides here:
Post date : 2020-08-30 14:08
Posted by : peter88

Erica Varlese: Intro to publishing with the block editor
Do you have a WordPress site, but aren’t sure where to go next? In this workshop, we’ll cover the basics of how to use the block editor to get started with publishing content on your site. We’ll explore what the block editor is, what are some common blocks, and how we can use them to build posts and pages. This workshop is geared toward beginners, and offers additional insight and options for intermediate users, as well.
Post date : 2020-08-30 14:05
Posted by : peter88

Intro to Gutenberg Block Development
With WordPress moving more and more into the world of blocks, knowing how to build your own blocks has become valuable knowledge. However, if you are a plugin or theme developer, you might not be sure where to start. This workshop will serve as a guide to building your first block.
Full presentation slides here:
Post date : 2020-08-30 14:03
Posted by : peter88

What's the connection between sleep and Alzheimer's disease?
Does not getting enough sleep lead to Alzheimer's disease? Sleep scientist Matt Walker explains the relationship between the two -- and how researchers are exploring how to use sleep to decrease our chances of developing this condition.
Post date : 2020-08-27 17:23
Posted by : peter88

Why rumors about vaccines spread — and how to rebuild trust
Why do people distrust vaccines? Anthropologist Heidi Larson explores how medical rumors originate, spread and fuel resistance to vaccines worldwide. While vaccines cannot escape the "political and social turbulence" that surrounds them, she says, the first step to stopping the spread of disease is to talk to people, listen and build trust.
Post date : 2020-08-27 17:21
Posted by : peter88

How doctors can help fix the broken US asylum system
Refugees fleeing persecution endure unimaginable hardships in search of a better life. Physician Joseph Shin explains the essential collaboration of doctors and lawyers working together to help asylum seekers in the United States, sharing promising pathways toward securing the human dignities they deserve.
Post date : 2020-08-27 17:19
Posted by : peter88

Art in the age of machine intelligence
What does it look like inside the mind of a machine? Inspired by the architectural vision of a futuristic Los Angeles in "Blade Runner," media artist Refik Anadol melds art with artificial intelligence in his studio's collaborations with architects, data scientists, neuroscientists, musicians and more. Witness otherworldly installations that might make you rethink the future of tech and creativity.
Post date : 2020-08-27 17:16
Posted by : peter88

How sleep can improve your immunity
One of the best things that you can do to boost your immune system is head to bed, says sleep scientist Matt Walker. It can even make your flu shot more effective!
Post date : 2020-08-27 17:13
Posted by : peter88

Big data, small farms and a tale of two tomatoes
The path to better food is paved with data, says entrepreneur Erin Baumgartner. Drawing from her experience running a farm-to-table business, she outlines her plan to help create a healthier, zero-waste food system that values the quality and taste of small, local farm harvests over factory-farmed produce.
Post date : 2020-08-27 17:10
Posted by : peter88