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320 Views What it means to be inter* — and how the false * binary harms us all
For intersex people -- those born with sex characteristics outside the traditional definitions of female and male -- the stakes to appear "normal" are high. Drawing on her personal experience, Susannah Temko reveals the shame, prejudice and harm faced by the intersex community, as they're forced to conform to a binary understanding of sex that ultimately hinders their health and well-being. She calls on us all to discard outdated notions of biological sex and accept the complexity within humanity.
Post date : 2020-08-27 17:06 Posted by : peter88
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349 Views How to disrupt philanthropy in response to crisis
If we want to build back better after the pandemic, we must reconsider philanthropy and create a new kind of capitalism that's rooted in generosity and accountability, says Darren Walker, president of the Ford Foundation. In this vital conversation, Walker calls for citizens and corporations to question the inequality that makes their wealth possible, to think about their own complicity in creating economic injustice and to celebrate the critical role art plays in creating a culture that uplifts everyone. (This virtual conversation, hosted by head of TED Chris Anderson, was recorded July 1, 2020.)
Post date : 2020-08-06 16:11 Posted by : peter88
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336 Views Rethinking education and celebrating the Arabic language
The pandemic has deepened the need to rethink education. In conversation with TED Global Curator Bruno Giussani, Dr. Ahmad M. Hasnah of Qatar Foundation discusses an educational model from Doha, Qatar that informs the global needs of students and shares insight into the newly launched TEDinArabic (بالعربي TED), a global platform for thinkers, researchers, artists and change-makers across the Arabic-speaking world.
Post date : 2020-08-06 16:08 Posted by : peter88
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330 Views What makes volcanoes erupt?
In February of 1942, Mexican farmer Dionisio Pulido thought he heard thunder coming from his cornfield. However, the sound wasn't coming from the sky. The source was a large, smoking crack emitting gas and ejecting rocks, and would come to be known as the volcano Paricutin. Where do new volcanoes like this come from, and what triggers their unpredictable eruption? Steven Anderson investigates. [Directed by Cabong Studios, narrated by Addison Anderson, music by Astrolábio Studio / Julio Muzzi].
Post date : 2020-08-06 16:07 Posted by : peter88
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315 Views The invisible life hidden beneath Antarctica's ice
In this tour of the microscopic world, explorer and artist Ariel Waldman introduces the charismatic creatures lurking beneath Antarctica's massive ice sheet, the largest on earth. From "cuddly" water bears to geometric algae made of glass, Waldman shows how this seemingly barren landmass is actually a polar oasis of life -- if we just know where to look.
Post date : 2020-08-06 16:05 Posted by : peter88
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338 Views The race to decode a mysterious language
In the early 1900s, archaeologist Sir Arthur Evans uncovered nearly 3,000 tablets inscribed with strange symbols. He thought the script, dubbed Linear B, represented the Minoan language, while others came up with their own theories. Was it the lost language of the Etruscans? Or an early form of Basque? Its meaning would elude scholars for 50 years. Susan Lupack explores the mysterious inscriptions. [Directed by Movult, narrated by Bethany Cutmore-Scott, music by Stephen LaRosa].
Post date : 2020-08-06 16:04 Posted by : peter88
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366 Views A walk through the stages of sleep
Did you know you go on a journey every night after you close your eyes? Sleep scientist Matt Walker breaks down the difference between REM (Rapid-Eye Movement) and non-REM sleep, what occurs during each stage of sleep -- and why it's important to get enough of both.
Post date : 2020-08-06 16:02 Posted by : peter88
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332 Views New ways to understand life in a pandemic
Poet and policymaker Aaron Maniam describes how the language we use to explain COVID-19 shapes the way we think about it -- whether it's as a "war," a "journey" or, as he suggests, an "ecology." He encourages us to explore a range of imaginative, interlocking metaphors to gain a deeper understanding of the pandemic -- and shows how this can help us to envision a better, more inclusive future. (This virtual conversation, hosted by TED's head of curation Helen Walters and arts and design curator Chee Pearlman, was recorded June 10, 2020.)
Post date : 2020-08-06 16:01 Posted by : peter88
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323 Views A comprehensive, neighborhood-based response to COVID-19
Crisis interventions often focus on a single aspect of a big, complicated problem, failing to address the broader social and economic context. Kwame Owusu-Kesse describes how the Harlem Children's Zone is taking a more holistic approach to the pandemic, weaving together a network of services to help communities recover and rebuild. Learn more about their comprehensive COVID-19 relief and recovery response focused on five primary areas of need -- and their plans to scale it across the US. (This ambitious plan is a part of the Audacious Project, TED's initiative to inspire and fund global change.)
Post date : 2020-08-06 15:59 Posted by : peter88
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412 Views How caffeine and alcohol affect your sleep
Caffeine wakes you up, and alcohol makes you nod off, right? It's not that simple. Sleep scientist Matt Walker takes us into the eye-opening ways that these drinks affect the quantity and quality of our sleep.
Post date : 2020-08-06 15:57 Posted by : peter88