Wesley Lewis: Images: Usage, Sizing, and Compression
Do you want your site to be blazing fast? Optimizing your images is one of the easiest and most effective ways you can speed up your site, improve user experience, and help your SEO. (lightning talk)
Full presentation slides:
Post date : 2020-10-07 14:15
Posted by : peter88
Micah Wood: Cypress Testing and WordPress
Cypress is a JavaScript-based automated end-to-end testing framework. It can act like a user on your website by visiting pages, filling out forms, and clicking buttons. Learn the basics of how to use Cypress as well as some of the nuances of testing WordPress plugins, themes, or websites.
Full presentation slides:
Post date : 2020-10-07 14:14
Posted by : peter88
Ayurvedic_Psoriasis_Treatment | Best_Treatment_of_Psoriasis (Testimony in Eng)
ayurvedic treatment for psoriasis, best psoriasis treatment, Ayurvedic_Psoriasis_Treatment | Best_Treatment_of_Psoriasis (Testimony in Eng)
Post date : 2020-10-01 20:54
Posted by : advanceayurveda
Les brouilleurs de téléphone portable ont un fort pouvoir de pénétration
Bacon a déclaré que c'est la raison pour laquelle les États-Unis doivent "pénétrer" les brouilleurs de téléphones portables: les avions furtifs sont difficiles (mais presque impossibles) à viser des cibles, et peuvent planer dans l'espace aérien ennemi pour une guerre électronique à plus longue portée. court. Pour les planificateurs militaires américains, le rejet du GPS est un énorme problème. Les pays partenaires, en particulier la Russie, ont utilisé des stratégies de tromperie et de brouillage GPS dans diverses activités de formation près de leurs frontières. Nous avons déjà discuté de cette situation en détail et je vous suggère de lire cet article pour comprendre les conséquences de la perte de données GPS fiables au profit des États-Unis et de leurs alliés pendant la guerre. Comment surmonter cet énorme obstacle.
Le GPS du traceur GPS a de nombreuses bandes de fréquences, mais la plus connue est L1 (Extended Civilian). Il existe quatre autres bandes de fréquences sur la fréquence GPS, qui sont utilisées pour la recherche policière, militaire, gouvernementale et scientifique. Les dispositifs de brouillage GPS sont principalement utilisés pour éviter d'être suivis par des localisateurs GPS ou d'être surveillés par des tiers qui pourraient avoir été au courant de nos activités. De nos jours, il est facile de trouver des logiciels espions qui peuvent être facilement installés sur le téléphone pour surveiller l'emplacement en temps réel. Le système de suivi GPS leur permet de se concentrer sur notre activité, les compagnies d'assurance peuvent surveiller l'utilisation des voitures et surveiller votre véhicule grâce au système de contrôle de flotte, qui montre toujours votre emplacement et de nombreuses autres utilisations liées au contrôle de la localisation des véhicules. Communication avec les satellites mobiles.
Post date : 2020-09-30 10:26
Posted by : jammershopers
Fellyph Cintra, James Osborne: AMP Workshop
This one hour workshop explains why AMP is an interesting option for creating web applications. It includes some practical examples for learning more about how to use AMP.
Post date : 2020-08-30 14:45
Posted by : peter88
Ivan Yordanov: Getting More Done in Less Time – Introducing WP Automation Using Ansible
Use Ansible for task automation to manage WordPress sites. This includes automating plugin and theme updates/installs/uninstalls; deployments, manipulating files, and running WP-CLI.
Post date : 2020-08-30 14:44
Posted by : peter88
David Wolfpaw: Let’s Build Our First Plugin!
If you’ve ever wanted to build your own plugin for WordPress, this is the session for you. We’re going to start from scratch and work our way up.
First, we’ll take a look at the basic requirements of a plugin. Next we’ll take our example plugin idea and break it into the various components and steps that we’ll need. We’ll code up the plugin together and install it on our sites, debugging any problems that arise. Finally, we’ll look at ways that we could further extend our plugin.
This tutorial assumes some HTML and CSS knowledge, but you don’t already need to be familiar with writing PHP or JavaScript.
Post date : 2020-08-30 14:41
Posted by : peter88
Mauricio Dinarte: Understanding React.js
React.js has become one of the top players in the JavaScript libraries world. WordPress has rebuilt its WYSIWYG editor using React. Drupal has recently adopted the library to create admin interfaces. This session aims to explain the basic concepts of React outside of the context of any particular CMS implementation. Many examples will be presented to help you understand it and why it is so powerful.
Full presentation slides:
Post date : 2020-08-30 14:39
Posted by : peter88
Meeky Hwang: Optimize SEO with Serverless Sitemaps
Sitemaps are the key ingredients for the site SEO optimization. There are many plugins to generate sitemaps but for enterprise level sites with massive content these plugins do not work as intended; as they are designed to dynamically generate the sitemaps on a fly. Serverless sitemaps alleviate these issues. In this talk I will go over how the serverless sitemaps work.
The Pitch
I’ve taken over support for sites with over 10,000 articles, galleries, videos, and other content types. The sitemaps generated by the community plugins have various issues including, slow sitemaps generation, no cleanups, incorrectly handling the specific types of content such as media, and more.
The Focus
I will go over how the serverless sitemap works and underlying logic on how it’s built as well as how the serverless sitemaps fixes the issues with the legacy sitemaps.
Full presentation slides:
Post date : 2020-08-30 14:37
Posted by : peter88
Akshat Choudhary: An Analysis of 100+ Hacked Sites
In this talk, I will be sharing the best strategies to secure a site based on my analysis of 100+ hacked sites. I’d give the audience a walkthrough of the logs of the hacked sites and decode the weak points and the method used to hack the sites. I will then explain the different ways one can protect a WordPress site from hacks. This would range from using existing firewall and security plugins to adding custom rules on the backend.
WordPress Security at its very core is constantly evolving. As hackers constantly find new ways to exploit, it’s imperative to stay dynamic and be prepared for the worst. I believe that understanding how hackers are hacking a site can go a long way in protecting it. Over the last 10 years, I’ve dealt with more than 200,000 hacked sites. I’d like to use my learning from them to push people to identify their site’s weak points and hopefully be a catalyst to them taking security more seriously.
Post date : 2020-08-30 14:35
Posted by : peter88