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526 Views Niki Mosier: [Workshop] What You Need to Know About Technical SEO (part 1)
It can be overwhelming to try to stay on top of all of the Google algorithm updates and best practices. Learn what elements of technical SEO you should know when building or managing WordPress websites. You’ll walk away knowing how to look for the issues that can impact Google’s ability to crawl and index a website. Full presentation slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DoY_5s7trZj_1suC42qzEWCL0pTWvZD8/view?usp=sharing
Post date : 2020-08-30 14:24 Posted by : peter88
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506 Views Alli Berry: [Workshop] Creating a Content Strategy from Scratch In 8 Easy Steps (part 3)
Are you creating content that you believe is under-performing? Or are you looking to start a website and aren’t sure what content to create? Regardless of your situation, this session will help you step back and create a content strategy that will ensure you have a purpose and audience in mind for every piece of content you publish. You’ll pick up tips that will help you narrow your content focus, identify your unique content angle, match the language of your prospective customers for SEO, and better understand what content to create and why. Full presentation slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1W0veleXyEZC5pXI8LXHPEdsbaj_IM7dX/view?usp=sharing
Post date : 2020-08-30 14:22 Posted by : peter88
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543 Views Alli Berry: [Workshop] Creating a Content Strategy from Scratch In 8 Easy Steps (part 2)
Are you creating content that you believe is under-performing? Or are you looking to start a website and aren’t sure what content to create? Regardless of your situation, this session will help you step back and create a content strategy that will ensure you have a purpose and audience in mind for every piece of content you publish. You’ll pick up tips that will help you narrow your content focus, identify your unique content angle, match the language of your prospective customers for SEO, and better understand what content to create and why. Full presentation slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1W0veleXyEZC5pXI8LXHPEdsbaj_IM7dX/view?usp=sharing
Post date : 2020-08-30 14:20 Posted by : peter88
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352 Views Alli Berry: [Workshop] Creating a Content Strategy from Scratch In 8 Easy Steps (part 1)
Are you creating content that you believe is under-performing? Or are you looking to start a website and aren’t sure what content to create? Regardless of your situation, this session will help you step back and create a content strategy that will ensure you have a purpose and audience in mind for every piece of content you publish. You’ll pick up tips that will help you narrow your content focus, identify your unique content angle, match the language of your prospective customers for SEO, and better understand what content to create and why. Full presentation slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1W0veleXyEZC5pXI8LXHPEdsbaj_IM7dX/view?usp=sharing
Post date : 2020-08-30 14:19 Posted by : peter88
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332 Views Colleen Harris: [Workshop] Making Google Analytics Work for You (part 3)
Google Analytics. It’s the tool every marketer has on their site and can maneuver around reports like channel, bounce rate and landing page. Now that you are collecting all the data, can you really say what you are doing with it? Are you leveraging pieces in Google Analytics to help make decisions around advertising budget, content creation and conversions? If the answer to any of that is no, this is the session for you as we take your Google Analytics data from “nice to know that” to an important tool influencing your decisions.
Post date : 2020-08-30 14:17 Posted by : peter88
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348 Views Colleen Harris: [Workshop] Making Google Analytics Work for You (part 2)
Google Analytics. It’s the tool every marketer has on their site and can maneuver around reports like channel, bounce rate and landing page. Now that you are collecting all the data, can you really say what you are doing with it? Are you leveraging pieces in Google Analytics to help make decisions around advertising budget, content creation and conversions? If the answer to any of that is no, this is the session for you as we take your Google Analytics data from “nice to know that” to an important tool influencing your decisions.
Post date : 2020-08-30 14:16 Posted by : peter88
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366 Views Colleen Harris: [Workshop] Making Google Analytics Work for You (part 1)
Google Analytics. It’s the tool every marketer has on their site and can maneuver around reports like channel, bounce rate and landing page. Now that you are collecting all the data, can you really say what you are doing with it? Are you leveraging pieces in Google Analytics to help make decisions around advertising budget, content creation and conversions? If the answer to any of that is no, this is the session for you as we take your Google Analytics data from “nice to know that” to an important tool influencing your decisions.
Post date : 2020-08-30 14:14 Posted by : peter88
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373 Views Vojtěch Smrček: Contributing to WordPress Mobile Apps
My talk will show various ways of how people can contribute to the WordPress mobile apps. The apps are open-sourced and you don’t have to be a mobile developer to contribute. Full presentation slides here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vR1SaI3ephiz0Q81suiab7GrrT6J7GKtqYFrpxTi6raa3X5ciQaq8oFycgPZnYX0m9ApfHAUqrWKkKn/pub?start=false&loop=false&slide=id.g8a7dfcdc43_2_58
Post date : 2020-08-30 14:13 Posted by : peter88
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360 Views Aslam Multani: How we Utilized Decoupled WordPress to Build an App
With growing popularity of APIs and Cross Platform integrations, Decoupled WordPress or Headless WordPress has started getting the attention these days. Developers are evaluating the advantages of decoupled approach websites and applications.During the talk, we will go through a brief introduction of Decoupled WordPress and its different use cases. Along with that we will discuss real case study about how we utilised Decoupled WordPress to build a mindfulness app for one of our clients who is biggest technology consulting firm in the World. Full presentation slides here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1F2qxdwlyNC9PhoSByp_GzdteisIOCR9Q
Post date : 2020-08-30 14:10 Posted by : peter88
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361 Views Web Application Firewalls (WAFs)
Die Sicherheit von WordPress-Websites ist ein beliebtes Thema. Interessanterweise geht es dabei häufig um viele Einstellungen und “Security by Obscurity”, echte Sicherheit wird damit nicht hergestellt. Alternativ gibt es “Web Application Firewalls” (WAFs), die (je nach Ausprägung) einen tatsächlichen und relevanten Schutz vor Angriffen bieten. Marc Nilius stellt die verschiedenen Arten von WAFs sowie deren Vor- und Nachteile vor und gibt einen Einblick, worauf man bei der Konfiguration und beim Einsatz achten muss.
Post date : 2020-08-30 14:09 Posted by : peter88