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1215 Views "Aliens built the pyramids" and other absurdities of pseudo-archaeology
Aliens have invaded ancient history: they've cropped up in humanity's past through popular television and movies, displacing facts with absurd yet commonplace beliefs like "aliens built the pyramids." Archaeologist Sarah Kurnick illustrates why these misconceptions perpetuate racist and xenophobic notions of history and culture -- and demonstrates how you can help debunk these dangerous, outlandish myths.
Post date : 2021-03-16 23:24 Posted by : peter88
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631 Views 3 sneaky tactics that websites use to make you spend
Online retailers resort to all kinds of strategies to separate you from your hard-earned money. Behavioral scientist Wendy De La Rosa names three tactics to look out for -- and shares how you can keep yourself from falling for them.
Post date : 2021-03-16 23:17 Posted by : peter88
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1075 Views How theater weathers wars, outlasts empires and survives pandemics
When catastrophe strikes, art prevails -- and has done so for centuries. In this fascinating talk, writer and director Cara Greene Epstein places the closing of theaters during the coronavirus pandemic in a historical context, exploring how we can use this intermission to imagine a more just, representative and beautiful world, onstage and off.
Post date : 2021-03-16 23:07 Posted by : peter88
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686 Views Who were Las Mariposas, and why were they murdered?
For over 30 years, thousands of people were imprisoned, tortured, and murdered under Rafael Trujillo's dictatorship in the Dominican Republic. Three sisters would go on to lead an underground revolution. But while their courage inspired many, it threatened the man in power, and their lives would come to a tragic early end. Who were these brave women? Lisa Krause tells the story of Las Mariposas. [Directed by Tomás Pichardo-Espaillat, narrated by Safia Elhillo, music by Cem Misirlioglu and Sergio Sayeg].
Post date : 2021-03-16 23:03 Posted by : peter88
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761 Views 4 lessons the pandemic taught us about work, life and balance
The COVID-19 pandemic changed the way we work for good. Can it also change it for the better? Consultant Patty McCord reviews four key insights employers and employees alike gleaned from their shift to working from home -- and shares how companies can use what they learned in lockdown to creatively and innovatively rethink how we do business.
Post date : 2021-03-16 23:01 Posted by : peter88
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1126 Views How synthetic biology can improve our health, food and materials
What if we could we use biology to restore our balance with nature without giving up modern creature comforts? Advocating for a new kind of environmentalism, scientist and entrepreneur Emily Leproust rethinks modern sustainability at the molecular level, using synthetic biology to create green alternatives. From lab-developed insulin and disease-resistant bananas to airplanes made of super-strong spider silk, she explains how reading and writing DNA can lead to groundbreaking innovations in health, food and materials.
Post date : 2021-03-16 22:59 Posted by : peter88
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1289 Views Laura Byrne-Cristiano: Floating to the Top – How a Crisis Communications Plan and Content Strategy Literally Rescued Us
Laura Byrne-Cristiano: Floating to the Top – How a Crisis Communications Plan and Content Strategy Literally Rescued Us
Post date : 2021-02-28 12:40 Posted by : peter88
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3703 Views Eileen Violini: Themes of the Future – The New Frontier of Gutenberg Block-Based Themes and Theme Development
In the WordPress post Gutenberg world there are fundamental shifts in both user and development workflows, and moving forward that means how we develop themes for will also change. Let’s look at the current status of theme development, how you can get started taking advantage of the core editor right and how we can begin building themes for the future. Specifically, we’ll cover: • How to modify existing themes to take full advantage of the new editor and blocks. • Adding Theme Supports and Block templates to existing themes • What’s the difference between Block Enabled and Block Based Themes • Upcoming enhancements for Full Site Editing and Global Styles and how this will affect theme development.
Post date : 2021-02-28 12:38 Posted by : peter88
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1291 Views Chris Milton: Winning the Battle of Design & Function by Focusing on User Experience
Working remotely as freelancers or as part of a distributed team has gone from trending to essential. This way of working requires more people to be live streaming, using video conferencing, and creating video tutorials. Join me as I walk through my personal desk setup that was created to be more efficient in meetings without taking up a lot of space. The one-stand desk setup works great for YouTube videos, video conferencing, and recording tutorials.
Post date : 2021-02-28 12:36 Posted by : peter88
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1113 Views AJ Morris: Learn to Build Your Site with the New Block Editor – A Preview of Current Block Plugins
In the last 18 months, we’ve seen rapid developments with Gutenberg and with the introduction of the block editor into WordPress core, there is no time like now to be looking at how to use the new block editor with your sites. This session is set to cover a brief understanding of the history of the editor in WordPress, but more importantly to look ahead and see how the block editor paired with the right tools can provide site builders the ability to build a site without the need for writing any code. Together we’ll be covering specific free and paid plugins that provide additional blocks or enhance your experience with the block editor, to create a truly no-code experience with WordPress. By the end of this session, you’ll want to start taking advantage of the new block editor and these plugins to update your existing sites and create new ones.
Post date : 2021-02-28 12:33 Posted by : peter88