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Motalko -The Chronicle of a Petrol Station (DOWNLOAD!) 25 September Full Movie in 3D HD Download here: hb-production.com/​motalko3D 3d camera mapping scenes from the documentary MOTALKO. The whole process (modelling, texturing, compositing) was done with Blender 2.49. created by: Miklós Falvay layout artist: Domonkos Pinke MOTALKO is a documentary about the first Hungarian petrol station. Directed by Attila Kekesi, produced by Miklos Havas. Released in 2011.
Post date : 2011-09-15 15:32 Posted by : moviegoer
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860 Views Countdown - HD
My references are various, from Chris Ware for his extraordinary layout and (sometimes abstract) images, Hans Richter, Len Lye, Stanley Kubrick or Godfrey Reggio (with his qatsi trilogy). I must also quote the speech of JFK ( youtube.com/​watch?v=6z1DidldxUo ) I would like to thank the people who support me, a BIG thank to Yann, Alexis, Florent, François, Stéphane & Sylvain. I would like to thank Chez Eddy for their support : chezeddy.com CREDITS : Directing/design/animation/composting : Céline Desrumaux Additionnal character animation : Florent Remize Music : "Granulard bastard" from Apprat. LINKS : Céline : groovythesushi.blogspot.com/​ Florent : flomize.blogspot.com/​ Music : apparat.net
Post date : 2011-09-15 15:30 Posted by : moviegoer
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937 Views Elements
Directed by bif Produced by bif Sound by Azel
Post date : 2011-09-15 15:29 Posted by : moviegoer
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733 Views Louise Attaque - Du monde tout autour
Production: ChezEddy Label: Barclay Producteur: Nicolas de Rosanbo Réalisation : Louis Clichy Direction de production : Davy Koskas Animation / Compositing : Antoine Ettori - Sébastien Rouxel - Matthieu Gaillard -Mathias Lachal - Ludovic Versace - Thibaud Gayral - Alice Bissonnet Rotoscopie : Olivier Guedj - Alexandre Bain Etalonnage : Jean-Michel Petit Remerciements: Robin Feix, Arnaud Le Guilcher
Post date : 2011-09-15 15:28 Posted by : moviegoer
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761 Views Josh Vogel
We visited Josh Vogel of Blackcreek Mercantile & Trading Co. in late 2010 and kick started this year with a feature on the wood sculptor based in Kingston, New York. Our experience with him was so profound that we knew we had to pay another visit. This time, to document his story as part of our series. The result is nothing like we've ever done. This film gives little background on who Josh Vogel is, read our feature for more details. Instead it explores the idea that turning wood is a reductive process that in essence is a step back in time. As the wood loses a layer, the years are taken away. This abstract idea is a constant that Josh is very aware whenever his chisel touches the bark and steady peels away the rings of time. thescoutmag.com
Post date : 2011-09-15 15:26 Posted by : moviegoer
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930 Views The Killing Joke
A Short Film by Sebastian Lopez The Killing Joke is a 15 minute suspense/fiction short film about a mysterious woman that finds a red balloon tied up to a curious little box on an eery derelict street. Using classic elements of suspense and working within a seventies aesthetic, 'The Killing Joke' is an action packed film that pays homage to some of the horror movies from that era. The piece was shot during four intense days of filming in the Argentinian capital Buenos Aires. The micro budget production was shot using just two 7d canon cameras. The composition and CGI effects for 'The Killing Joke' required months of 'invisible' digital retouching to create the panoramic, yet claustrophobic atmosphere that pervades throughout the movie. Sebastián López wrote and directed the story, and was also responsible for all the impressive post and composition work. Colin Devlin created the Original Soundtrack, working from his home studio in LA he collaborated on the project with Sebastian from it's inception, creating a wonderful striking symmetry between sound and image.This is the second collaboration for Sebastian and Colin, the first being an action packed trailer created for a fictitious movie called 'Vertical' that went viral on the net, creating a serious buzz for the young director. Actors Gustavo Marzo and Clarisa Staracci Worked together to portray the intense characters seen on screen. The Killing Joke was a work of entire dedication and effort. WWW.THEKILLINGJOKEMOVIE.COM
Post date : 2011-09-15 15:25 Posted by : moviegoer
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915 Views BLOODROP (HD 2D)
'When what you see is not what you get' The 2D version of the 3D short film by Alexei Popogrebsky. We used the opportunity to test some concepts in 3D and see how it would translate to 2D, and vice versa. Originally part of the Experiment 5ive omnibus -- 5gum.ru . (Hence the black envelope with the picture inside, which had to be the common element of all 5 films) 3D Anaglyph version here vimeo.com/​28852133 Featuring Grigory Dobrygin and Ina-Maria Jaich Photography by Peter Steuger; Production design by Erwin Prib; Art Direction and SFX by Niels Müller; Costume Design by Petra wellenstein; Music by Dmitry Katkhanov; Stereography by Sarah Rotter; Shot on Arri Alexas and Stereotec 3D rig; Postproduction by Pictorion das werk; Produced by METRAFILMS
Post date : 2011-09-15 15:23 Posted by : moviegoer
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872 Views LUCID
Exploring the ideas of sight and imagination. In this film I wanted to let the viewer project themselves onto the character and experience these locations as almost dream like space, beyond their control. Shot over a four day period in various locations around south of England. I used a GoPro HD action camera for the majority of the shots and also a Canon 60D.
Post date : 2011-09-14 18:13 Posted by : moviegoer
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807 Views Youth Lagoon - Montana
Youth Lagoon - Montana. From the debut album The Year of Hibernation released via Fat Possum Records September 27th. Director, Cinematographer, Editor: Tyler T Williams AD & Editor: Ron Torres Starring: Tim Pakutka Ryan Phipps Joel Kliebe Jaki Covington Shot on a 5DMKII and 7D 20mm 2.8, 35mm 2, 85mm 1.8
Post date : 2011-09-14 18:12 Posted by : moviegoer
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971 Views John and Joe
Directed by: The Rauch Brothers Art Direction: Bill Wray Producers: Lizzie Jacobs & Mike Rauch Animation: Tim Rauch Audio Produced by: Michael Garofalo, Lizzie Jacobs & Vanara Taing Music: Fredrik Label: The Kora Records Publisher: House of Hassle Funding provided by: The Corporation for Public Broadcasting The Carnegie Corporation of New York National Endowment for the Arts In partnership with POV.
Post date : 2011-09-13 16:18 Posted by : moviegoer