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850 Views LUCID
Exploring the ideas of sight and imagination. In this film I wanted to let the viewer project themselves onto the character and experience these locations as almost dream like space, beyond their control. Shot over a four day period in various locations around south of England. I used a GoPro HD action camera for the majority of the shots and also a Canon 60D.
Post date : 2011-09-14 18:13 Posted by : moviegoer
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788 Views Youth Lagoon - Montana
Youth Lagoon - Montana. From the debut album The Year of Hibernation released via Fat Possum Records September 27th. Director, Cinematographer, Editor: Tyler T Williams AD & Editor: Ron Torres Starring: Tim Pakutka Ryan Phipps Joel Kliebe Jaki Covington Shot on a 5DMKII and 7D 20mm 2.8, 35mm 2, 85mm 1.8
Post date : 2011-09-14 18:12 Posted by : moviegoer
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952 Views John and Joe
Directed by: The Rauch Brothers Art Direction: Bill Wray Producers: Lizzie Jacobs & Mike Rauch Animation: Tim Rauch Audio Produced by: Michael Garofalo, Lizzie Jacobs & Vanara Taing Music: Fredrik Label: The Kora Records Publisher: House of Hassle Funding provided by: The Corporation for Public Broadcasting The Carnegie Corporation of New York National Endowment for the Arts In partnership with POV.
Post date : 2011-09-13 16:18 Posted by : moviegoer
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837 Views FILM 2
Raina Hamner, Brian Kerstetter, Paul Duncan, Miranda Levitt, Tristan Reginato DIRECTOR Martin de Thurah DOP Kasper Tuxen EDIT Mikkel E G PRODUCER Shelby Ross / Thomas Busch WARDROBE Blk Dnm MUSIC Peder & Asger Baden, Sacha Gabriel, Sune Martin POST Bacon X PROD-CO Epoch / Bacon Commissioned by Johan Lindeberg BLK DNM
Post date : 2011-09-13 16:16 Posted by : moviegoer
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1134 Views Rendezvous - The Murf
A story about growing up in the universe. A music video for the band Rendezvous, made February-March 2011. They pretty much gave me carte blanche to do whatever I wanted to do, and this is what came out. A long write up about it can be found here. You might find it interesting. bombsfall.blogspot.com/​2011/​09/​post-mortem-murph.html THIS WEEKEND: I will putting a short BEHIND THE SCENES video together, showing bits of how things were put together, etc. Nothing crazy in-depth, but enough to answer some questions I've been getting and maybe inspire others to do some similar stuff. So check back here, or add me on twitter/facebook to stay up on things. The links to both are at my blog or my site. Check out Rendezvous. They are super rad. The Murph single has a bunch of awesome remixes as well. rendezvousmusic.co.uk/​ I'm always up for freelance work, be it for agencies, studios, bands or whoever. Drop me a line at mrscottbenson at gmail.com.
Post date : 2011-09-13 16:14 Posted by : moviegoer
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754 Views Tegels
The hidden movements and melodies of street tiles. Tiles is an animation made of a large photographic collection of street tiles. By viewing this collection of photographs as a sequence, different movements and processes become visible within the frame of the tiles. Both music and animation are trying to find a balance between a thought-out arrangement and an arrangement of ‘chance’ deriving directly from the tiles.
Post date : 2011-09-13 16:11 Posted by : moviegoer
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730 Views EF - Live The Language - Sydney
Directed by Gustav Johansson (gustavjohansson.com) D.O.P: Niklas Johansson, fsf (niklasjohansson.com) Typography: Albin Holmqvist (albinholmqvist.com) Music: Magnus Lidehäll (twitter.com/​magnusthemagnus) VFX: Goodmotion (goodmotion.se) Produced at Camp David (campdavidfilm.com) Producer: Lolo Uggla Client: EF International Language Centers Campaign site: ef.com/​livethelanguage
Post date : 2011-09-13 16:10 Posted by : moviegoer
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826 Views Kriget - Submission (Official video)
Director: Slobodan Zivic Cinematographer: Daniel Takacs Editor: Anders Hellman 2011
Post date : 2011-09-13 16:08 Posted by : moviegoer
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910 Views Little Boat
my new film. enjoy! Currently in ONECLOUDFEST Fall Competition: onecloudfest.com/​festival/​competition/​?p=3&pa=a&id=103 like if you like!
Post date : 2011-09-13 16:07 Posted by : moviegoer
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927 Views Porter Robinson // SPITFIRE (aka: CAPTURE THE CAN)
A videogame style paintball match shot in one take with the Phantom Flex @ 1,000 fps. Dont forget to have a looksy at the chat box ;) Click link to Tweet: twitter.com/​share?original_referer=vimeo.com/​28817900 Check out Behind The Scenes: youtube.com/​watch?v=bPY0b0mVZ5o Directed by: Saman Keshavarz TWITTER: twitter.com/​#!/​ghibli303 FACEBOOK: facebook.com/​samanftw Silly WEBSITE: samanftw.com Thanks to OWSLA & Porter Robinson for repping this as his official music video ^_^ Porter Robinson facebook.com/​porterrobinsonmusic twitter.com/​#!/​PorterRobinson Other People who ROCK!!! Producers: Ross Levine, Francis Pollara VFX: Alessandro Schiassi (alessandroschiassi.com) Cinematographer: Justin Gunrari Editing: Nate Tam Production Company: Paydirt Pictures Rep & Special Thanks: Danielle Hinde (Doomsday Entertainment) Executive Producers: Lanette Phillips, Jon Ker, Jeremy Barrett Special Thanks: Nate Eggert, Ethan Benner, Danny Smith, Bobby Avila, Justin Schwarz, Vinnie Palmieri, Ryan Collette, Steff Druckenmillar and of course all the people who got f**ked up from paintballs. And last but not least, Porter Robsinon and gang for a sick @$$ track.
Post date : 2011-09-13 16:06 Posted by : moviegoer