FRED et marie (English subtitles)
For one couple out of eight this is not a fiction
Client: Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles • Agency: BONJOUR inc • Concept & Creation: Marine Vincent, Pierre Jadot • Copy: Marine Vincent, Carl Hansenne, Pierre Jadot • Production: LOVO Films • Directors: TheDeck & Lenitch • Producer: Francois Mercier • D.O.P.: Bjorn Charpentier
Post date : 2012-01-10 02:54
Posted by : moviegoer

Style Ledger takes a look at American manufacturing, with a focus on the Martin Greenfield factory in Brooklyn.
Post date : 2012-01-10 02:52
Posted by : moviegoer

Murmansk in motion
Time lapse video.
Camera: Canon 5d mark II
Lenses: 24-70 2.8L, 70-200 2.8 IS II
Soft: Adobe AE, Adobe Premiere
Music: Moonbeam - About you
Post date : 2012-01-10 02:50
Posted by : moviegoer

Rome - Two Against One
"Two Against One" from the album "Rome"
by Danger Mouse and Daniele Luppi
featuring Jack White and Norah Jones
Directed by Chris Milk and Anthony Francisco Schepperd
Post date : 2012-01-10 02:49
Posted by : moviegoer

GOM - ESMA 2011
Au sein d'un cirque, Gom, un enfant caoutchouc se retrouve inopportunément l'assistant des artistes pendant la représentation.
In a circus, Gom, a rubber-boy, has to replace inappropriately the artist's assistant during the show.
Directed by:
Anthony Delliste (storyboard, modeling, rigging, MEL scripting, camera mapping, animation, editing)
Tristan Evin (character & set design, texturing, matte painting)
Maxime Guillemin (character & set design, storyboard, layout2D, color script, modeling, lighting, mattepainting, shading, rendering, compositing)
Florent Razafimandimby (character modeling, layout 3D, blendshapes & facial rigging, animation, stereoscopy, compositing)
Alexis Vallauri (modeling, layout 3D, animation, blendshapes, fluids effects, compositing)
Voices by:
Emmanuel Garijo
Nathalie Homs
Julien Kramer
Music by:
Isaac Chia
Mixed by:
Jose Vicente & Yoann Poncet; Studio des aviateurs.
ESMA Ecole Superieure des Métiers Artistiques 2011
Post date : 2012-01-10 02:48
Posted by : moviegoer

Troll Slayer
A video by the Jullien Brothers (Niwouinwouin and Jean Jullien).
Costume by Chloe Rood
Thanks to Partizan Lab.
Listen to the EP, and order the 7inch here:
You can order the amazing collector pack made with french brand Mr Poulet here:
Post date : 2012-01-10 02:46
Posted by : moviegoer

The Provo Bros - mining powder at Retallack, British Columbia
"During the winter of 2011, my brother Neil and I were presented with a once in a lifetime opportunity. We were to spend two months embedded in the heart of the Kootenays at the legendary Retallack Lodge. The mission was to shred pow with our good friend Tanner, who was on his comeback, and to help film Retallack:The Movie for Inspired Media Concepts. I took the role of the dedicated time lapse junkie, while Neil was a true on slope camera master. This video is a showcase of our skills behind the camera, as well as a few of our favorite long lens shots from Retallack:The Movie. Time lapses make way for deep powder mining, and a trip into the heart of the "silvery slocan" to see how silver miners conquered the mountains a century ago. Mining for powder in the Selkirk mountains is serious business, and we found out just how serious it can get. We hope you enjoy our short film, and perhaps absorb just a sliver of the energy that is Retallack Lodge in beautiful British Columbia." ian provo
"Time is the Enemy" Quantic
"Cripple Creek" Stringbean
"Sitting on top of the world" Sam Chatman
"Sitting on top of the world" Grateful Dead
Intro graphic:
Main title directed by Kilian Amandola and Yoann Ponti
Photographer Almira Mederic
Post date : 2012-01-10 02:42
Posted by : moviegoer

The Perennial Plate Episode 84: Dumpster Diver
There's a lot of waste in this country, especially at Grocery stores. One man is doing something about it... to feed his family.
Post date : 2012-01-10 02:40
Posted by : moviegoer

Information technology has become a ubiquitous presence. By visualizing the processes that underlie our interactions with this technology we can trace what happens to the information we feed into the network.
BFA Thesis
CCA Graphic Design
Post date : 2012-01-10 02:38
Posted by : moviegoer

The digital revolution of the last decade has unleashed creativity and talent in an unprecedented way, with unlimited opportunities.
But does democratized culture mean better art or is true talent instead drowned out? This is the question addressed by PressPausePlay, a documentary film containing interviews with some of the world's most influential creators of the digital era.
Post date : 2012-01-10 02:36
Posted by : moviegoer