Fawn Falls Prey to Eagle at Wisconsin's Lake Noquebay
Julie A. Smith caught the moment a fawn was attacked and killed by an eagle on Lake Noquebay, Wisconsin, on June 30, 2017.
Smith woke up early at her lake home in Crivitz to watch the sunrise on her deck as she has done many times before. As she gazed at the lake from her deck she saw a white-tailed fawn swimming along the edge and decided to capture the scene. A few moments later, a bald eagle flew straight towards the small deer and attacked it. The bald eagle held the deer underwater with its claws and took swipes at it with its beak.
In an article that appeared on the Greenbay Press Gazette Smith stated: “We’ve always had eagles around during the 15 years we’ve had this place, and I’ve seen them swoop in to catch fish,” Smith said. “I know they’ll also take goslings, but I never heard of one killing a fawn."
After a short time the eagle dragged the motionless deer to shore, as the animal was too big to lift. Smith told Storyful the eagle managed to get the fawn to shore and the bird feasted on its prey for days after the kill, as seen in a picture. Credit: Julie A. Smith via Storyful
Post date : 2017-08-26 19:47
Posted by : peter88

Hmm... WTF? Russians!
Front Row Seat To Stupidity
[Video credit : licensing@viralhog.com]
Post date : 2017-08-26 19:43
Posted by : peter88

When You Finally Find A Quiet Spot For Fishing
And Then This Happens.
Post date : 2017-08-26 19:39
Posted by : peter88

Engine Quits! Single Engine Plane Stall / Spin Training
Old Video (first upload) of training with the Spin Doctor, the Late Great Bill Kershner out of Sewanee, TN. He forewarned me that the engine would stop running around the 17th spin. The engine quits due to centrifugal force of the fuel un-porting to the tips of the wings. If liked, I have a few other stall spins I can up-load that we did that day. Cheers!
Post date : 2017-08-26 19:27
Posted by : peter88

Uber Driver and sourrounding cars get damaged by drunk girls.
Pretty sure this Uber Driver almost started crying.
Post date : 2017-08-26 19:26
Posted by : peter88

Crane's failure leads worker squashed
What a tragedy to the poor worker.
Post date : 2017-08-26 19:23
Posted by : peter88

Car park fight ends in a BRUTAL KO!
Car park fight ends in a BRUTAL KO!
Post date : 2017-08-26 19:16
Posted by : peter88

Phoenix Protester Shot In Nuts - WE LOVE OUR MARKSMEN, DON'T WE FOLKS?!
Useless Liberal Sack of Shit Got What Was Coming To 'Em!
Post date : 2017-08-26 19:13
Posted by : peter88

Guy crushed by truck in strong winds
Somewhere in south China i believe during Typhoon Hato
Post date : 2017-08-26 19:07
Posted by : peter88

Attempted robbery, caught on my dash-cam
Who the f*** are these idiots?
Got a message on craigslist about my Nikon, went to meet with the potential buyer, in his neighborhood, because he told me he didn't have a car, he makes a gang sign @0:05 , takes a photo in front of my car @0:38 (because it's "nice"), but tells me he doesn't want it.
Then writes me, saying he wants it, I turn around, come back, and then one of the kids he is with, tries to take off with my camera @0:52.
Wtf. Be careful who you meet with, where you meet with them, always take video. *Time on my das-cam is wrong this was around 8pm.
Post date : 2017-08-26 19:02
Posted by : peter88