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485 Views Dance And Kisses With The Camel
Big wet kiss from the camel.
Post date : 2018-01-27 16:32 Posted by : moviegoer
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570 Views Exploding manhole launches boy up in air
Landing is not visible due to camera's narrow field of view
Post date : 2018-01-27 16:29 Posted by : moviegoer
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932 Views Cheeky monkey touches woman’s breast
This is the amusing moment a cheeky monkey gropes a tourist’s breast as she poses for a photo. The footage, captured in Bali, Indonesia, shows the ape approaching the woman sitting on the pavement and climbing on her. The ape then places his hand inside the woman's t-shirt and touches her breast. The woman later wrote online: ''Most people had bananas or other pieces of fruit to encourage the monkeys to come to them but I did not have anything to lure them. ''They were simply attracted to me naturally. ''The monkey groped my breast and tried to breastfeed after sitting on my shoulder and playing with my hair. ''It was hilarious.''
Post date : 2018-01-27 16:27 Posted by : moviegoer
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652 Views Bodycam Video - Drunk Man Arrested After Falling Asleep In Car At Intersection
On 01/19/2018 at 1:51 pm an officer on patrol observed a male slumped over the steering wheel of a vehicle at the intersection of Mayfield Road and South Green. The following footage is from the officers Body Worn Camera, which he activated prior to exiting the cruiser. Officers administered a field sobriety tests and determined that the driver, 32, of South Euclid, was drunk. The man was charged with OVI.
Post date : 2018-01-27 16:24 Posted by : moviegoer
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671 Views Selfie with a train. Wait for it
Post date : 2018-01-27 00:34 Posted by : peter88
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644 Views The Beautifully Strange Island of Australia
These crazy sights are normal for most Australians!This Australia Day we take a moment to reflect on the great southern land known as Australia. With one of the most spectacular and picturesque landscapes in the world with the deadliest wildlife occupying it, it’s bound to get a little crazy. Credit: Various via Storyful.
Post date : 2018-01-27 00:27 Posted by : peter88
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488 Views Buy Online Health and Fitness Supplements - Purerlyhebs.in
Post date : 2018-01-16 15:08 Posted by : Purelyherbs
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506 Views Scooter has had enough of its owner
a family of three riding a scooter (don't miss the unexpected ending).
Post date : 2017-08-26 20:13 Posted by : peter88
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491 Views Elevator is hungry again!
The woman is scared and confused, but alive.
Post date : 2017-08-26 19:49 Posted by : peter88
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505 Views Fawn Falls Prey to Eagle at Wisconsin's Lake Noquebay
Julie A. Smith caught the moment a fawn was attacked and killed by an eagle on Lake Noquebay, Wisconsin, on June 30, 2017. Smith woke up early at her lake home in Crivitz to watch the sunrise on her deck as she has done many times before. As she gazed at the lake from her deck she saw a white-tailed fawn swimming along the edge and decided to capture the scene. A few moments later, a bald eagle flew straight towards the small deer and attacked it. The bald eagle held the deer underwater with its claws and took swipes at it with its beak. In an article that appeared on the Greenbay Press Gazette Smith stated: “We’ve always had eagles around during the 15 years we’ve had this place, and I’ve seen them swoop in to catch fish,” Smith said. “I know they’ll also take goslings, but I never heard of one killing a fawn." After a short time the eagle dragged the motionless deer to shore, as the animal was too big to lift. Smith told Storyful the eagle managed to get the fawn to shore and the bird feasted on its prey for days after the kill, as seen in a picture. Credit: Julie A. Smith via Storyful
Post date : 2017-08-26 19:47 Posted by : peter88