100mph RC Car in Slow Motion - 4K - The Slow Mo Guys- Comment
Category : Comedy/Funny
Views : 572
Post date : 2017-01-07 10:57
Information about this video
Gav and Dan love toys. Especially when the toy comes with a warning that says "THIS IS NOT A TOY."
Follow Gav on Twitter - https://twitter.com/GavinFree
Follow Dan on Twitter - https://twitter.com/DanielGruchy
Don't try at home... and all that.
Thanks to Traxxas for bunging us a couple of XO-1 cars for this video.
And thanks to Robert Rodriguez for letting us film at his gaff.
Filmed at 1000fps using the phantom flex 4K
100mph RC Car Destruction in Slow Motion - 4K - The Slow Mo Guys
Caption author (Russian)
Sandwich Sushi
Caption authors (French)
Artifrouz Lucas Mercier Farf is Back guim817 Quere Antoine
Caption authors (Dutch)
Bas van Groesen Thomas Vogelaar bob veringa morpheus1008 William Terwogt
Caption authors (Portuguese)
Andre A. L. Ansani Tiago Melo Douglas Vaz Brevilieri
Caption authors (Indonesian)
Rommy soeli Xycn EKA FILM doodler Burn Andhika BG
Caption authors (Italian)
LesBond Alessandro Bonvini Daniele
Caption authors (English)
Mega Gaming Just a User Mr Toaster deadly assasins Matthew S.
Caption authors (Spanish)
Andrea raul antonio diego herrera abad PlmBare julio Represa
Caption author (Arabic)
Caption authors (German)
Xtremetony Qala089 Uebbadarkness Nico Tritschler Brabelfratze
Caption authors (Swedish)
Eric KR Magdalena Magnusson TEGe Sixten Sploggar BaFrio HyperSoda
Caption authors (Danish)
Drez Mand Matilde eriksen Simon Bødker mathias Madsen
Follow Gav on Twitter - https://twitter.com/GavinFree
Follow Dan on Twitter - https://twitter.com/DanielGruchy
Don't try at home... and all that.
Thanks to Traxxas for bunging us a couple of XO-1 cars for this video.
And thanks to Robert Rodriguez for letting us film at his gaff.
Filmed at 1000fps using the phantom flex 4K
100mph RC Car Destruction in Slow Motion - 4K - The Slow Mo Guys
Caption author (Russian)
Sandwich Sushi
Caption authors (French)
Artifrouz Lucas Mercier Farf is Back guim817 Quere Antoine
Caption authors (Dutch)
Bas van Groesen Thomas Vogelaar bob veringa morpheus1008 William Terwogt
Caption authors (Portuguese)
Andre A. L. Ansani Tiago Melo Douglas Vaz Brevilieri
Caption authors (Indonesian)
Rommy soeli Xycn EKA FILM doodler Burn Andhika BG
Caption authors (Italian)
LesBond Alessandro Bonvini Daniele
Caption authors (English)
Mega Gaming Just a User Mr Toaster deadly assasins Matthew S.
Caption authors (Spanish)
Andrea raul antonio diego herrera abad PlmBare julio Represa
Caption author (Arabic)
Caption authors (German)
Xtremetony Qala089 Uebbadarkness Nico Tritschler Brabelfratze
Caption authors (Swedish)
Eric KR Magdalena Magnusson TEGe Sixten Sploggar BaFrio HyperSoda
Caption authors (Danish)
Drez Mand Matilde eriksen Simon Bødker mathias Madsen
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