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How To Become a Graphic Designer in 2016- Comment

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Username : peter88
Category : How To
Views : 630
Post date : 2016-11-21 14:54
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How To Become a Graphic Designer 2016
Becoming a Graphic Designers and starting a Design Career is Not the Same as Being a Designer 5 or 10 Years Ago. The Design Industry and Creative Services is Constantly Evolving with Technology and the Market.

Consumer expectations change rapidly today. New technology and ways of consuming media are developed each and every year. Platforms with millions of users crop up overnight. New creative tools enter the marketplaces every 18 months.

It can feel overwhelming to work as a Graphic Designers. Learning Design is no longer as simple as learning the Gestalt Principles, Good Typography and Digital Print Production. Its more than adding Web Design to your resume.

Learning Design is now a matter of learning (or maybe it has always been this way) how people consume and how to do storytelling with the tools and the platforms of the era, and right now there are a lot of them.

Becoming a Graphic Designer today means you almost can't afford to be niche if you plan to work for a medium or small business full time. The can't afford specialist in most cases and don't have the workload to support them. Large businesses and enterprises can hire full time graphic designers tha specialize.

If you want to specialize in many cases you may be better off becoming a freelance graphic designer. Becoming a freelance graphic designer will give you more flexibility in you career if you can make it practical financially.
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