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Rendezvous - The Murf- Comment

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Username : moviegoer
Category : Arts & Animation
Views : 1161
Post date : 2011-09-13 16:14
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Information about this video
A story about growing up in the universe.

A music video for the band Rendezvous, made February-March 2011. They pretty much gave me carte blanche to do whatever I wanted to do, and this is what came out.

A long write up about it can be found here. You might find it interesting.

THIS WEEKEND: I will putting a short BEHIND THE SCENES video together, showing bits of how things were put together, etc. Nothing crazy in-depth, but enough to answer some questions I've been getting and maybe inspire others to do some similar stuff. So check back here, or add me on twitter/facebook to stay up on things. The links to both are at my blog or my site.

Check out Rendezvous. They are super rad. The Murph single has a bunch of awesome remixes as well.

I'm always up for freelance work, be it for agencies, studios, bands or whoever. Drop me a line at mrscottbenson at gmail.com.
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