Porter Robinson // SPITFIRE (aka: CAPTURE THE CAN)- Comment
Category : Arts & Animation
Views : 953
Post date : 2011-09-13 16:06
Information about this video
A videogame style paintball match shot in one take with the Phantom Flex @ 1,000 fps. Dont forget to have a looksy at the chat box ;)
Click link to Tweet: twitter.com/share?original_referer=vimeo.com/28817900
Check out Behind The Scenes: youtube.com/watch?v=bPY0b0mVZ5o
Directed by: Saman Keshavarz
TWITTER: twitter.com/#!/ghibli303
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/samanftw
Silly WEBSITE: samanftw.com
Thanks to OWSLA & Porter Robinson for repping this as his official music video ^_^
Porter Robinson
Other People who ROCK!!!
Producers: Ross Levine, Francis Pollara
VFX: Alessandro Schiassi (alessandroschiassi.com)
Cinematographer: Justin Gunrari
Editing: Nate Tam
Production Company: Paydirt Pictures
Rep & Special Thanks: Danielle Hinde (Doomsday Entertainment)
Executive Producers: Lanette Phillips, Jon Ker, Jeremy Barrett
Special Thanks: Nate Eggert, Ethan Benner, Danny Smith, Bobby Avila, Justin Schwarz, Vinnie Palmieri, Ryan Collette, Steff Druckenmillar and of course all the people who got f**ked up from paintballs. And last but not least, Porter Robsinon and gang for a sick @$$ track.
Click link to Tweet: twitter.com/share?original_referer=vimeo.com/28817900
Check out Behind The Scenes: youtube.com/watch?v=bPY0b0mVZ5o
Directed by: Saman Keshavarz
TWITTER: twitter.com/#!/ghibli303
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/samanftw
Silly WEBSITE: samanftw.com
Thanks to OWSLA & Porter Robinson for repping this as his official music video ^_^
Porter Robinson
Other People who ROCK!!!
Producers: Ross Levine, Francis Pollara
VFX: Alessandro Schiassi (alessandroschiassi.com)
Cinematographer: Justin Gunrari
Editing: Nate Tam
Production Company: Paydirt Pictures
Rep & Special Thanks: Danielle Hinde (Doomsday Entertainment)
Executive Producers: Lanette Phillips, Jon Ker, Jeremy Barrett
Special Thanks: Nate Eggert, Ethan Benner, Danny Smith, Bobby Avila, Justin Schwarz, Vinnie Palmieri, Ryan Collette, Steff Druckenmillar and of course all the people who got f**ked up from paintballs. And last but not least, Porter Robsinon and gang for a sick @$$ track.
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Tags: frames per second, phantom, paintball, slow motion, After Effects, video game, call of duty, capture the flag, john woo, luv deluxe, midnight club, Porter Robinson
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