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Username : moviegoer
Category : Arts & Animation
Views : 949
Post date : 2011-09-13 15:53
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Here is our new music video for Leeds/London based band Pengilly's, for their new single "Toby's Hill" (part of the EP of the same title). Pay as much or as little as you want to download it from their bandcamp page!

We're fascinated by cults such as Heaven's Gate, West Boro Baptist Church, Raelism, Scientology etc etc. How charismatic, god complex individuals can have so much power over people who might not necessarily be stupid or weak, just suggestible. The band were really open to the way we wished to portray them, Ric particularly, as a spoilt ego-maniac, drunk on power over the group.

The band were fantastic to work with - all in all shooting this video was an absolute pleasure and one of the most enjoyable shoots we've been involved in.

Produced by Brown Bread Films; Rob Blake, Thomas Harrison, James-Alexander Adair and Rory Martinez.

Written by-- Silas Parry and Rob Blake

Costume Design-- Rose Love
Stills Photography--Reece Leung and Kirsty Garland

Special Thanks-
Matt and everyone at Otley Sailing Club,
Adam Chesney,
James Rhodes,
Sam Barratt (at Nike SB)
Becky Walker,
Matt Burton,
& Dave Williams.

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