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Superflow - Bachelor Thesis- Comment

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Category : Arts & Animation
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Post date : 2011-08-02 14:47
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Superflow / An audio-visual Journey into the World of Digital Harmony / Bachelor Thesis

Length: 23:54 / Resolution: 1280x720 / FPS: 24

Download to enjoy highest quality! vimeo.com/ ​download/​ video:23923581?v=2&e=1312051488&h=cee2a657582e33b5a679333a002298ff&uh=09dbe36783924bb9101386ce5a3e9fea

Superflow, the Bachelor Thesis I completed in July, 2010, takes you on an audio-visual journey into the world of Digital Harmony. Superflow is an algorithm I discovered on October 23rd, 2009, which changes the position of objects and their relationship to each other. Superflow can be initiliazed by rotating all objects after setting up a parent-child hierarchy with one pivot point. My thesis introduces the discovery of the Superflow algorithm, a newly created formula Polarflow (based on the Superformula by Johan Gielis and Bert Berinckx), and a newly designed mathematical framework Polarflow Fundamentals. Polarflow Fundamentals is the foundation and combination of these formulas, and can help us understand the long journey that the theorem of pythagoras has taken. In combination with the Superflow algorithm, possibilities have become endless. Superflow and the mathematical formulas have all been combined in a unique and custom developed particle software, Superflow System. Not only that, a new and maybe forgotten approach to visual art is proposed, Viusic. Inspired by the work of John and James Whitney to find harmony in visual art, I tried to continue their quest by introducing new perspectives to this exciting and forgotten field. What music is to sound is viusic to light. Harmony is not just audible, it is visible.

Viusic is the music of visual art.

More information here: superflow.co

Tutorial #001 - Superflow: vimeo.com/​15486040

Z-Depth, Viusic Piece #12, is the beginning journey into stereoscopic vision, and requires red-cyan glasses to view correctly.

Superflow System Particle Software
Developed by Ian Clemmer
Programmed by Oleg Bayborodin (orbaz.com) and Ian Clemmer



Superflow Elements and other Motion Design Scripts available at v-motion.co/​
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