[New Premium Plugin] - Advanced User Ban

Post date: 2025-03-02 12:01:27
Views: 6

This plugin provides with advanced features while blocking a user in your q2a website. For example I can ban a user from asking questions in 'Science' category for one month. In the plugin settings you can set who can ban users. Also you can enable emailing to banned users with information about the ban.

A banned user still can login to his account but can't use features that he is banned from. Also authorities can manage banned users from admin dashboard.

Price: $30/$40

Contact me via Email | Telegram | WhatsApp | Messenger to buy this plugin.

Here are the things you can set when banning an user:

  1. Ban Duration
  2. Activities To Ban From
  3. Categories To Ban From
  4. Ban Reason

Here Are All Ban Options Explained In Details:

In user profile authorities like admin, moderators can find a ban button that will open advanced ban form. There are 4 options in Ban form,

1. Ban Time:

here you can choose either you want to ban Permanently or Temporarily. If you choose temporarily the form will expand farther to input ban duration.

2. Ban From:

here you can choose which activities you want to ban the user from. Either you can choose all activities option or select activities you want to ban like (asking, answering, commenting) by selecting 'Selected Activities' Option, it will reveal types of activities you can select.

3. Ban Category:

here you can ban a user doing his activities in all categories or selected categories. In case of selecting a parent category will also block user in child categories inside.

4. Ban Reason:

Here you can input Reason for banning the user.

Other Features:

Ban history: In user profile the user himself and authorities like admin, moderators can find a "ban history button". By clicking this button authorities and the user can see his ban activity and authorities also can unaban user from there.

Admin Dashboard for Ban management: In admin panel sub navigation there is a new option called 'Advanced User Ban', From here authorities can manage banned users.

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