Is there a person out there who will make me a meal plan?

Post date: 2024-09-14 07:20:08
Views: 9
I would love help putting together a meal plan that is tailored to my preferences and restrictions (notably, being a vegetarian) that ALSO meets basic nutritional goals that I know most Americans/myself do not regularly meet (fiber and protein in particular, but also like food pyramid stuff). Who does that?

You might think, "a nutritionist!", but I have tried this. Nutritionist 1, recommended by a friend, was super into pseudoscience, drinking 120 oz of water, and buying mysterious non-FDA-approved branded supplements. Nutritionist 2, recommended by my (very good!) PCP, wanted to talk to me about how I felt about my body (neutral to good, and not what I'm there for anyway!) and was very into "listen to your body" and felt like anything else was too prescriptive. OK, if I listen to my body I'm going to eat a tub of queso with a spoon and call it a day.

I am not really looking to develop a long-standing relationship with this person. I would love to sit down with someone for an hour or two (or like, answer a questionnaire) and then bang out maybe 4-10 days' worth of balanced meal plans. The nutritionists I find online all seem to be basically food therapists, which is lovely and important work but not what I need. I eat reasonably well already so I don't need, like, an intervention.

Who is the right kind of professional to ask here? Is this a personal trainer thing? A dietitian (I know that's different from nutritionist in a sneaky way)? Something else??

Or, if you know of an easy way to figure this out for yourself, please share! I've tried using MyFitnessPal etc. to just like, keep plugging in different combinations of foods to try to get the right amount of fiber/protein/vitamins over the course of the day but it's sort of unbelievably labor-intensive.
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