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Infrastructure Deployment with Docker & Ansible - Comment

This is an introduction to Docker & Ansible. It shows how Ansible can be used as orchestration too for Docker. There are 2 real world examples included with code examples in a Gist.

Topics covered:

1. Infrastructure Deployment with
2. Who I am? • Robert Reiz • Software Developer • I started VersionEye • Software Dev since 1998
3. Agenda ❖ Intro to Docker ❖ Demo ❖ Intro to Ansible ❖ Demo
4. Shipment without Containers
5. 1956 Malcom McLean introduced the 40’Container - ISO 668. > 15 Million inst. 2/3 of global trade run over 40’Containers!
6. The Logistic Problem
7. Same Problem in Software Dev.
8. Java ? ? ? Ruby ? ? ? Node.JS ? ? ? MySQL ? ? ? Dev-Env. Test-Env. Prod-Env.
9. Java JKD 1.8.14 - Win32 JKD 1.8.1 - Lnx-64 JDK 1.7-patch UNX Ruby 2.2.2 rvm 2.2.1 nat MRI 2.1.0 rubinius Node.JS 4.0 win 4.0 Linux 4.0 Linux MySQL 5.5 win 5.0 Linux 5.0 Linux Dev-Env. Test-Env. Prod-Env.
10. Java Ruby Node.JS MySQL Dev-Env. Test-Env. Prod-Env.
11. What is Docker?
12. What is Docker? ❖ Open Source Project started in March 2013 ❖ From the makers of dotCloud (PaaS). ❖ Received $162 Million Funding. ❖ Community grows rapidly!
13. What is Docker? ❖ Tiny VM (25 MB) ❖ Linux based - LXC Interface / libcontainer ❖ Own Namespaces and Cgroups! ❖ Shared resources with host system. ❖ Changes changed in Layers. Similar to Git! ❖ Originally not for Windows & Mac ! But …
 -> https://blog.docker.com/2016/03/docker-for-mac-windows-beta/
14. Build - Ship - Run Docker-Hub Build RUN RUN RUN docker push docker pull Server Farm Production
15. Build
16. Dockerfile FROM ubuntu:14.10 MAINTAINER Robert Reiz ENV LANG en_US.UTF-8 RUN apt-get update RUN apt-get install -y --force-yes -q nginx ADD nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf CMD nginx EXPOSE 80
17. Build - Dockerfile > docker build -t reiz/nginx:1.0.0 . docker image => reiz/nginx:1.0.0
18. Ship
19. Ship Docker Image > docker push reiz/nginx:1.0.0
20. Run
21. Fetch a Docker Image > docker pull reiz/nginx:1.0.0 Download docker image reiz/nginx:1.0.0 from Docker Hub to local Docker repository.
22. Run a Docker Container > docker run reiz/nginx:1.0.0 Creates a Docker container out of the Docker image reiz/nginx:1.0.0. It runs the nginx process.
23. More Commands > docker stop > docker start > docker top > docker logs > docker rm
24. Important ❖ A Docker Container doesn’t store state! ❖ You can not ssh into a Docker Container! ❖ A container is supposed to run 1 process!
25. Shell
26. Get a Shell > docker run -it reiz/mongodb:3.2.0 /bin/bash Starts a new Docker container with an active shell.
27. Volumes
28. Mount a Volume > docker run -v/mnt/mongodb:/data -d reiz/mongodb:3.2.0 Mounts “/mnt/mongodb” directory into the Docker container as “/data”. Keep the data on the host. That’s how you keep data persisted.
29. Environment Variables
30. Set environment variables > docker run --envLANG=en_US.UTF-8 -d reiz/mongodb:3.2.0 You can overwrite ENV variables from the Dockerfile here and also define completely new ones.
31. Links
32. Link Docker Containers > docker run —name mongodb -d versioneye/mongodb:1.0.2 > docker run —linkmongodb:mongo versioneye/api:1.0.0 MONGO_PORT=tcp:// MONGO_PORT_27017_TCP=tcp:// MONGO_PORT_27017_TCP_ADDR= MONGO_PORT_27017_TCP_PORT=27017 MONGO_PORT_27017_TCP_PROTO=tcp Environmentvariablesareinjectedin2ndcontainer:
33. Link Docker Containers Linking only works on same hosts!
34. Docker Compose api: image: versioneye/rails_api:2.5.7 ports: - "9090:9090" container_name: "api" links: - mongodb:db - elasticsearch:es mongodb: image: reiz/mongodb:2.6.6_2 container_name: “mongodb" elasticsearch: image: reiz/elasticsearch:0.9.1 container_name: "elasticsearch" docker-compose.yml describes a whole set of Docker containers
35. Docker Compose > docker-compose up -d > docker-compose ps > docker-compose stop
36. Docker Compose > docker-compose build api > docker-compose up --no-deps -d api Updating a single container, not ALL of them.
37. Docker Compose > docker-compose scale worker=3 Scaling up containers
38. DEMO
39. Service Discovery
40. Service Discovery ❖ Environment Variables ❖ Mount configuration via volumes ❖ Linking ❖ Use a service like: etcd, zookeeper etc…
41. Orchestration
42. Docker Orchestration ❖ CM-Tools (Chef, Puppet, Ansible, Salt) ❖ http://kubernetes.io/ ❖ https://coreos.com/ ❖ https://docs.docker.com/swarm/ ❖ https://www.openshift.com/
43. 2012 VersionEye is running on Heroku.
44. 2013 VersionEye moves to AWS because of the Amazon Activate Program!
45. WWW API APP x 3 RabbitMQ Tasks MongoDB MongoDB MongoDB Elastic Search Memcached Crawlers x N VersionEye Infrastructure
46. Handcrafted Servers are ❖ hardtomaintain ❖ verytime/costintensive ❖ setupisnoteasilyreproducible ❖ manytimesverybuggy
47. Reasons for Ansible ❖ No Master ❖ No Agents ❖ Configuration in Yaml ❖ Very easy to learn
48. Server Server Server Server You SSH Ansible works via SSH. No Master Server! No Agent on the Server is required.
49. Installation
50. sudo pip install ansible
51. brew update brew install ansible
52. Ansible Concepts ❖ Inventory ❖ Playbooks ❖ Roles ❖ Tasks / Handlers / Vars ❖ Modules
53. Inventory
54. Inventory [mongo_master] [mongo_slaves] [www] Inventory files are simple text files which describe your servers. IP Addresses or DNS Names grouped by names.
55. Inventory [mongo_master] [mongo_slaves] mongo1.server mongo2.server mongo3.server [www] List of target hosts. Usually located in /etc/ansible/hosts
56. Inventory [mongo_master] mongo-[a:c]-server [mongo_slaves] mongo[1:3].server [www] {{my_little_webserver}} Inventory files can take advantage of variables and enumerations
57. Playbooks
58. Simple Playbook --- - hosts: dev_servers user: ubuntu sudo: true roles: - java - memcached - hosts: www_servers user: ubuntu sudo: true roles: - java group name from the inventory file server auth Role which should be installed on the server
59. Roles / Modules
60. simpple role with apt module --- - name: update debian packages apt: update_cache=true - name: install Java JDK apt: name=openjdk-7-jdk state=present
61. apt module --- - name: update debian packages apt: update_cache=true - name: install Java JDK apt: name=openjdk-7-jdk state=present Documentation of this step! Module Parameters of the Module
62. --- - name: update debian packages apt: update_cache=true - name: upgrade packages apt: upgrade=full - name: ensure that basic packages are installed apt: name={{ item }} state=present with_items: - tree - wget - links2 - gcc - g++ - make - autoconf - automake - libssl-dev - libcurl4-openssl-dev
63. Thousands of Modules
64. shell module --- - name: do what you want shell: /opt/I_can_do_what_I_want.sh
65. A role directory
66. Variables --- app_dir: /var/www/versioneye tomcat/vars/main.yml --- - name: create versioneye directory command: mkdir -p {{ app_dir }} tomcat/tasks/main.yml
67. Handlers --- - name: restart mongodb service: name=mongod state=restarted mongo/handlers/main.yml - name: copy MongoDB configuration to the server copy: src=mongodb.conf dest=/etc/mongodb.conf notify: restart mongodb mongo/tasks/main.yml
68. Files mongo/files/mongodb.list - name: add MongoDB debian server to the list of servers copy: src=mongodb.list dest=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb.list mongo/tasks/main.yml
69. Real World Use case
70. Loadbalancer APP APP APP Seamless Web App Deployment @ VersionEye https://gist.github.com/reiz/238e70683bbfbc10bf4c
71. Loadbalancer APP APP APP Docker Hub 1. Build new Docker Image 2. push 3. run Seamless Web App Deployment @ VersionEye https://gist.github.com/reiz/238e70683bbfbc10bf4c
72. Loadbalancer APP APP APP Docker Hub 1. pull 2. run Seamless Web App Deployment @ VersionEye https://gist.github.com/reiz/238e70683bbfbc10bf4c
73. Loadbalancer APP APP APP Seamless Web App Deployment @ VersionEye Docker Hub 1. pull 2. run https://gist.github.com/reiz/238e70683bbfbc10bf4c
74. Loadbalancer APP APP APP Seamless Web App Deployment @ VersionEye https://gist.github.com/reiz/238e70683bbfbc10bf4c
75. Demo
76. ? ? ? @RobertReiz

Posted by :  peter88 Post date :  2020-01-06 16:23
Category :  Technology Views :  501

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