Are You Getting Enough Vitamin B12 - Comment
Vitamin B-12, or Cobalamin, is the largest and most complex vitamin. A slight deficiency of vitamin B-12 can lead to anemia, fatigue, mania, and depression, while a long term deficiency can cause permanent damage to the brain and central nervous system.It can only be manufactured by bacteria and only be found naturally in animal products, however, synthetic forms are widely available and many foods like cereals are fortified with Vitamin B12. What's covered in this presentation slides: 1. Are You Getting Enough Vitamin B12 2. Vitamin B-12 Vitamin B-12, or Cobalamin, is the largest and most complex vitamin. A slight deficiency of vitamin B-12 can lead to anemia, fatigue, mania, and depression, while a long term deficiency can cause permanent damage to the brain and central nervous system. 3. It can only be manufactured by bacteria and only be found naturally in animal products, however, synthetic forms are widely available and many foods like cereals are fortified with Vitamin B12. 4. While going vegan and vegetarian seems to be the new trend, and is undoubtedly for a good cause but following a pure vegetarian diet may result in B12 deficiency in Indians. B12 is an absolutely essential water soluble micronutrient that regulates the brain and the nervous system. 5. It is found in meat, fish, poultry and dairy products. Vitamin B12 plays a key role in the formation of blood as well, so a deficiency would be almost catastrophic. Fatigue, poor memory and depression are a few of the symptoms of B12 deficiency. 6. So if you’re a vegetarian we suggest you stock up the fridge with milk, cheese, butter and other dairy products. A mild deficiency, if undetected could lead to anemia in the long run, and cause diarrhea, constipation, bleeding gums, pale skin, dizziness among an array of other problems. With proper treatment, the deficiency should go away within a few days but for that the deficiency needs to be detected first. 7. Vitamin B12 deficiency depends on the cause. If the cause is a problem with absorption of the micronutrient by the body, then the only treatment would be through B12 injections. However you can also overcome the deficiency through oral supplements and multivitamins rich in B12. Your doctor would be the best person to tell you whether you need injections and how long you need them for, or whether the normal levels can be reached through oral medication. 8. If you aren’t one of those who can’t absorb vitamin B12 and are still deficient, then we suggest you give up the veganism at least, if not vegetarianism and try to load up on as much of the dairy products including butter, milk, cheese, etc. as you can and if possible, eggs too. 9. If you can add a bit of meat and fish to the list then nothing like it. While it’s alright to stand for a cause and rightly so, it wouldn’t be advisable to do so at the cost of your health. 10. Remember you won’t be able to fight for too long if you aren’t healthy enough to function. 11. Thanks! Your No 1 Source for Healthy Alternatives |
Posted by : peter88 | Post date : 2019-11-07 01:34 | ||
Category : Health & Medicine | Views : 436 | ||
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