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Side Effects of Anorexia Nervosa on Teenagers - Comment

Anorexia is a disastrous way to start out in life as it will affect all aspects of the young person’s future - physical, psychological and social. If your adolescent son or daughter is suffering from anorexia, consult Ellern Mede Eating Disorder Services today.

2. Starvation, over-exercising and an unhealthy attitude towards body image will, as you can imagine, have numerous side effects on younger anorexics. If your teenage son or daughter is suffering from anorexia, you must seek eating disorder treatment in London immediately to prevent the complications and life-long health problems which could arise from this eating disorder.
3. Although being young means the sufferers are still growing, a false perception of their body image will force them to lose weight even if they are already severely underweight. This is especially tragic for the young. During adolescence, the body needs plenty of food to grow and reach adulthood, but anorexics will experience unnatural side effects during this phase of development. Here are some of the most common side effects of anorexia on young adults:
4. Women will not gain a normal and regular menstrual cycle, which could lead to serious problems later in life regarding pregnancy. There can also be a loss of brain tissue and muscle tissue. Young people typically have the energy to be active, taking up sports and outdoor activities. That said, an energetic lifestyle does not fit in with deteriorating muscles. Not only that, but the brain is constantly being tested during school, through exams and homework. Anorexia causes brain tissue to atrophy, so a normal education will prove difficult, not to forget the serious long-term complications arising from failure at school.
5. All sufferers of anorexia will experience over-exhaustion as the body simply won’t be able to function properly without enough food. It is like trying to run a car without any gas; it will just stop. As the body shuts down, the anorexic will experience lethargy and drowsiness. Day to day activities will become a chore and working - whether at school or in a job - will become ever more difficult. Low blood pressure is another side effect of the disorder from undernourishment and the ensuing lack of sleep, both causing the body to be in a state of shock. Concentration is severely affected, due to the mind being overcome with tiredness and hunger.
6. Other physical side effects can be the sign of deeper internal complications. Brittle yellow nails are a sign of kidney problems brought about by dehydration. And a lack of essential minerals such as sodium and potassium bring rise to heart problems. Physical appearance will also deteriorate. Although the individual thinks they are working towards a ‘perfect’ body by losing weight, the reality is they are creating a frail and unhealthy body. Hair that falls out, pallid skin, discoloured nails and swelling arms and legs are some obvious side effects to name a few. Anorexics will work at hiding these physical side effects, but the psychological complications and internal side effects are long-lasting without any treatment.
7. Social problems can also occur, as sufferers tend to judge others negatively who do not share the same distorted view of body image. This can lead to social exclusion resulting in a deeper depression. Anorexia is a disastrous way to start out in life as it will affect all aspects of the young person’s future - physical, psychological and social. If your adolescent son or daughter is suffering from anorexia, consult Ellern Mede Eating Disorder Services today. As one of the UK’s leading providers of intensive outpatient and inpatient eating disorder treatment for young people, they will be able to help your child overcome the negative impact of anorexia and improve their quality of life.

Posted by :  peter88 Post date :  2020-10-19 22:47
Category :  Health & Medicine Views :  417

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