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Covid-19 Quantitative Research - Comment

Covid 19 Quantitative Research

2. INTRODUCTION The world today grapples with the health crisis caused by the novel COVID-19. Unfortunately, the Philippines, which was spared from the previous epidemics like Ebola and SARS, is now facing this major obstacle. The local government units of the country responded by issuing guidelines to mitigate the spread of infection. This multi- sectoral plan aims to ensure prevention of COVID-19 spread into the country, preparedness and readiness for a timely, consistent and coordinated response in the event of COVID-19 outbreak.
3. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM This study determines the preparedness and awareness amid the COVID- 19 Pandemic in Local Government Unit (LGU) Cagayan de Oro City. The findings of the study serves as basis for a proposed recommendation. Furthermore, it seeks to answer the following questions: 1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of: • age; • gender; • civil status; • educational level; and • job status?
4. 2. Research question 2: As perceived by the respondents, how effective the preparation and awareness of Local Government (LGU) about COVID-19 Pandemic in terms of: • knowledge; • preparedness; • information update; and • preventive measures? 3. Based on the finding of the study, what recommendations can be proposed.
5. Table 1 Research Respondents Job Title Frequency Percentage Administrative Officer 6 20.00 % Police Officer 5 16.66 % DSWD Employees 5 16.66 % Maintenance 7 23.33 % Market Vendor 7 23.33 % RESEARCH RESPONDENTS
6. A. Age Frequency Percentage 20-25 2 6.66 26-31 5 16.66 32-47 13 43.33 48-56 4 13.33 57- 63 6 20 B. Gender Frequency Percentage Male 6 20 Female 24 80 C. Civil Status Frequency Percentage Single 10 33.33 Married 16 53.33 Widowed 2 6.66 Separated 2 6.66 D. Educational level Frequency Percentage Postgraduate 3 10 Tertiary 18 60 Secondary 9 30 E. Job Status Frequency Percentage Employed 16 53.33 Self-employed 14 46.67 Table 2 PROFILE OF RESPONDENTS
7. Knowledge Mean Interpretation 1. LGU implements Enhanced Community Quarantine. 3.77 Highly Prepared 2. LGU implements social distancing. 3.7 Highly Prepared 3. LGU implements wearing face mask. 3.5 Highly Prepared 4. LGU implements quarantine pass. 3.63 Highly Prepared 5. LGU implements proper hygiene like proper handwashing and disinfection/sanitation activities within the area of responsibility 3.7 Highly Prepared Aggregate mean 3.66 Highly Prepared Table 3 Preparedness and Awareness amid the Covid-19 Pandemic as to Knowledge
8. Preparedness 1. LGU coordinates Department of Health (DOH) for the continous monitoring of suspected/reported patients under investigation and persons under monitoring 3.7 Highly Prepared 2. LGU coordinates Philippine National Police (PNP) and Brgy. Intelligence for the safety and security of the community. 3.63 Highly Prepared 3. LGU coordinates Department of Social Welfare and Development on the relief distributions and cash assitance program. 3.63 Highly Prepared 4. LGU conducts continuos disinfection/sanitation activities within the area of responsibility 3.63 Highly Prepared 5. LGU launches the molecular diagnostic and patholgy laboratory swab test. 3.6 Highly Prepared Aggregate mean 3.64 Highly Prepared Table 4 Preparedness and Awareness amid the Covid-19 Pandemic as to Preparedness
9. Information update 1. LGU together with the Department of Health (DOH) provide information updates about COVID -19 with symptomatic and positive case within the Municipal area. 3.6 Highly Prepared 2. LGU implements Executive Orders, Memorandum, Ordinances, and other related issuances in addressing COVID-19 with the Local DRRMC and created the Inter-Agency Task Force. 3.63 Highly Prepared 3. LGU executes strict implementation of one entrance and one exit way in Public Market, pharmacies, and other establishments, including wearing face masks of the vendors and clients and strict physical distancing. 3.63 Highly Prepared 4. LGU coordinates and participates concerned agencies re virtual meeting like "Strengthening the Front liners for LGU Preparedness and Response". 3.63 Highly Prepared 5. LGU implements drafted protocol for returning residents. 3.73 Highly Prepared Aggregate mean 3.65 Highly Prepared Table 5 Preparedness and Awareness amid the Covid-19 Pandemic as to information update
10. Preventive Measures 1. LGU together with the Brgy. Officials implements continuous mandatory quarantine for 14 days especially to those who are returning back from other country and city. 3.77 Highly Prepared 2. LGU together with the Department of Health (DOH) implements constant monitoring to those who have symptomatic case. 3.7 Highly Prepared 3. LGU implements continuous coordination about updates to Department of Health (DOH). 3.63 Highly Prepared 4. LGU implements proper isolation to those with positive cases. 3.7 Highly Prepared 5. LGU implements continuous preventive protocols the spread of COVID-19 . 3.63 Highly Prepared Aggregate mean 3.67 Highly Prepared Table 6 Preparedness and Awareness amid the Covid-19 Pandemic as to preventive measures
11. 1. Majority of the respondents belonged to the age group of 32-47 years old, female, married, College graduate or level and employed.
12. 2. Majority of the respondents considered that the preparedness and awareness in terms of knowledge, preparedness, information update and preventive measures were highly prepared because of the level of effectiveness of best preparation and administration of preparedness and awareness of Cagayan De Oro LGU amid the Covid-19 pandemic. In knowledge, LGU implements Enhanced Community Quarantine was the highest weighted mean with 3.77 interpreted as highly prepared. In preparedness, LGU based on their preparations as highly prepared in terms of preparedness. Respondents revealed that LGU coordinates Department of Health (DOH) for the continuous monitoring of suspected/reported patients under investigation and persons under monitoring was the highest weighted mean with 3.70 interpreted as highly prepared. In information update, LGU implements drafted protocol for returning residents was the highest weighted mean with 3.73 interpreted as highly prepared. Lastly, as to preventive measures, LGU together with the Brgy. Officials implements continuous mandatory quarantine for 14 days especially to those who are returning back from other country and city was the highest weighted mean with 3.77 interpreted as highly prepared.
13. RECOMMENDATION 1. The government must consider extending the enhance community quarantine beyond April 13, 2020. As shown above there had been gains with the restrictions put in place averting an Iran-like scenario. These gains should be sustained until such time that the country has mass tested and isolated infective cases. 2. Corollary to the need to extend the ECQ, the national government must scale up and proactively do testing for Covid-19, isolate infective patients in health care facilities and hospitals, and improve contact tracing such that cases are identified and isolated sooner. Under this scenario, if Covid-19 cases are identified and isolated within 12 days of contracting the virus, then even with the less optimistic transmission rate of 0.08, the effect is an immediate control of the spread of Covid-19.
14. 3. As a consequence of a push to mass testing, human and material resources need to be increased to support our already burdened national health system. The special powers of the President provided in Republic Act No. 11469 could muster these additional resources. These additional resources include but are not limited to more testing kits, incentives and provision for front liners including proper personal protective equipment, and dissemination of PhilHealth’s coverage for testing and hospitalization to encourage low-income households to seek medical attention. 4. Aside from the medical aspect of the pandemic, the economic needs of those whose incomes are adversely impacted should be provided by the national government especially among the poor. This is to ensure that the extension of the ECQ will not cause social unrest. The provision of cash and relief goods both by the national and local governments should be continued and should reflect the size of the household. Further, monitoring mechanisms should be put in place to ensure that the assistance is delivered to intended beneficiaries.
15. 5. Prospectively, the national government should invest more resources in institutions such as the University of the Philippines, which can do evidence- based research to improve policy and program formulation and evaluation. These researches should underpin national plans to bolster resilience of national institutions, e.g. distance education and blended learning in schools, telecommuting, telehealth, and other similar initiatives.

Posted by :  peter88 Post date :  2020-10-19 15:34
Category :  Health & Medicine Views :  340

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