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Gusto Living in the Wake of Coronavirus - Comment

Over 100 attendees, extraordinary calls to action response rates. A recent webcast explained how Coronavirus is accelerating healthspan research and how the average peron can live a life of Gusto, learning from their sequestration experience.

Information covered in this presentation slides:

1. BetterThan Normal A Life Filled With Gusto InThe Wake of the Coronavirus A d r i a n e B e r g a d r i a n e b e r g . c o m G e n e r a t i o n B o l d R a d i o . u s A g i n g f o r B e g i n n e r s B l o g Brought to you by:
2. Gusto Living Is… Why some people are thriving And some people are anxious Resource: tenpercent.com/coronavirussanityguide
3. The Balance Within An unfamiliar environment is a universal stressor to nearly all species, no matter how developed or undeveloped. Resource: Amazon.com/balance-within-science-connecting-emotions-ebook
4. The OlderYou Are, The LongerYour Stress Has Lasted • Nervous system reacts in milliseconds…called fight or flight • Immune system takes hours or days to react • Chronic stress hammers away at the immune system • Immune system pumps out stress hormones and chemicals to exhaustion • Immune cells never recover from cortisol, a stress hormone—it also makes you fatter! And so, if you are exposed to, say, a flu or common cold virus when you are chronically stressed out, your immune system is less able to react and you become more susceptible to that infection. Esther Sternberg
5. What is Gusto Health? Breakthroughs for healthy aging are being discovered because of COVID-19 Gift: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82jUoT51920 A Combination of Metformin and Rapamycin Resulted in 24% longer, healthier years. (NIHTest)
6. Aging is the Strongest Risk Factor for All Age-Related Diseases…
7. Metabolic Dysregulation Epigenetic Changes Decrease in quality and quantity of Mitochondria Inflammation Proteostasis failure Accumulation of senescence cells Immune Dysfunction Decrease in chromosome maintenance (DNA repair efficiency) (Telomere erosion) Geroscience Hallmarks of Aging
8. How to translate these achievements to humans? Biotech & Pharmaceuticals: Developing drugs Drugs targeting disease Biological discoveries in areas of diseases FDA and aging// If aging is not considered as a preventable condition: 1.Healthcare insurers would not pay for their clients. 2.Pharmaceuticals will not develop other, better and combination of drugs. Resource: Ron Howard on Aging—National Geographic https://video.nationalgeographic.com/tv/00000150-253a-de73- a97c-f77f6f130000
9. What is Gusto Self Care? What GeroScientists SayYou Can Do to be LessVulnerable toViruses Now, and inThe Future Gift: https://anchor.fm/adriane-berg/episodes/Generation-Bold-Radio--April-19-- 2020--Guest-Judy-Foreman-- Exercise-is-Medicine-ecbbst •Eat Right •Reduce Stress •Exercise •Stay Connected •Have a Passion and a Purpose •Stop Smoking
10. Resource: https://www.amazon.com/Mans-Search-Meaning-Viktor- Frankl/dp/080701429X What is Gusto Life Purpose? He who has a why to live for can bear with almost any how. Nietzsche We need to stop asking about the meaning of life, and instead to think of ourselves as those who were being questioned by life— daily and hourly. Our answer must consist, not in talk and meditation, but in right action and in right conduct.
11. Three Steps TakeTheseThree Steps to MakeYour Sequestration Experience Happy & Fulfilled: ForYourself, Loved Ones, Friends, and the Community Gift: https://bottomlineinc.com/blogs/aging-for- beginners/how-to-find-your-bliss-after-retiring 1. What do you really love to do? 2. How could it help others? 3. What stops you from doing it?
12. What is Gusto Retirement Planning? 1938-present:The longest longitudinal study of human development ever undertaken offers some welcome news for the new old age: our live continue to evolve in our later years, and often become more fulfilling than before. Gift: Longevity Meeting with Strategies4Retirement
13. What is Gusto Estate Planning? Legal DocumentsYou Must Review NowThatYou Have Live at Home With a Degree of Confinement Gift: https://adrianeberg.me/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Dangerous-Documents- article-12.pdf •Power of Attorney •Health Care Proxy •Health Care Power of Attorney •Do Not Resuscitate
14. Money =Time A New Measure of Success I hope if nothing else, that one of the legacies coming out of this is an understanding of how connected our health is to our wealth, and how precious it is. TinaWoods Co-founder of Longevity International
15. What to Bring toYour Longevity Meeting… And How it Relates to Living with Gusto Curiosity Adventure Wonder
16. BetterThan Normal A Life Filled With Gusto InThe Wake of the Coronavirus A d r i a n e B e r g a d r i a n e b e r g . c o m G e n e r a t i o n B o l d R a d i o . u s A g i n g f o r B e g i n n e r s B l o g Brought to you by:

Posted by :  peter88 Post date :  2020-05-15 20:43
Category :  Health & Medicine Views :  430

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