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CORONAVIRUS HELPGUIDE: Be Cautious, Not Anxious - Comment

Staying careful and not fearful amidst the coronavirus outbreak is the key to good health. Readout the verified information (collated from WHO, CDC, and MoHFW websites) and some simple tips to cope with these difficult times.

Information covered in this presentation slides:

1. Demystify Trending Terms, Debunk Myths, Develop Strategies & Defeat Anxiety CORONAVIRUS HELPGUIDE: Be Cautious, Not Anxious
2. Staying careful and not fearful amidst the coronavirus outbreak is key. And the mantra to get through these trying times is to “Prepare and not Panic”. 01
3. Wonder why you are quarantined told to practice social distancing or recommended self-isolation during lock-down periods? 3 Different Terms, 1 Unified Goal: To Contain the Outbreak Here’s what You need to Know! 02
4. Social distancing is the most common and equally critical aspect of public health intervention aimed at stopping the spread of the coronavirus. Maintaining a distance of about 6 feet between yourself and those around you is also essential to Social Distancing. Social Distancing: The Need of the Hour 03
5. Quarantines are for people who don’t have any symptoms but were at some point exposed to the sickness. Quarantines assure that these people are kept away from others to avoid inadvertent infections. Quarantine: A Proactive Step to Curb the Spread 04
6. You do not show any apparent symptoms but have been in proximity with the disease. You have been exposed to a laboratory diagnosed COVID-19 positive case. You have had a travel history to a region with ongoing transmission of COVID 19 You are Quarantined if: 1M 05
7. Self-isolation is a way to keep infected people away from healthy ones to curb any transmission of the disease. It is essential to note here that this is specified for those who show symptoms of the COVID-19 disease. Self-isolation: The Crucial Call to Quell 06
8. You show signs of COVID-19 or have been advised no special treatment by your healthcare provider. You are unwell and awaiting the results of the COVID-19 test. You must self-isolate if: 07
9. WHO defines COVID-19 as an infectious disease caused by a particular strain of coronavirus. Since it has been newly discovered, it has come to be known as the Novel Coronavirus. Back to Basics: Discerning the Difference Between the Disease and the Virus 08
10. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Official name of the Disease: Official name of the While the official name of the virus is SARS-CoV-2, WHO refers to it as ‘the virus responsible for COVID-19’ or ‘the COVID-19 virus’ while communicating with the public. 09
11. Why Terms Like Social Distancing, Quarantine and Self-isolation Came Into Being? The simple answer is because COVID-19 is a highly contagious disease that spreads exponentially. Significant health organizations, including WHO are still finding new ways in which the COVID-19 virus can spread. 10
12. The virus primarily gets transmitted through the saliva or nasal discharge of an infected person. It can spread from one person to the other when an infected person sneezes or coughs. A healthy person who is in close proximity with the infected, is at the risk of breathing in those droplets and contracting the virus. Here is what is known about the Spread: 11
13. Are You at Risk? While the Coronavirus may show mild to moderate symptoms in people who are healthy, it may have more serious effects in those who are: Over 60 years old Suffering from an underlying medical condition 12
14. Symptoms That You Need to Keep in Check The COVID-19 virus can affect different people in different ways. According to WHO, the virus is mainly a respiratory disease and those infected may experience mild to moderate symptoms and may recover without requiring special treatment. However, some people may be at a higher risk than the others. 13
15. Common symptoms may include: Other symptoms reported include: Dry cough, Fever, tiredness Shortness of breath, Aches and pains, Sore throat, Diarrhoea, Nausea, Runny nose, Chills, Repeated shaking with chills, Headache, Loss of taste or smell 14
17. FACT #1 Novel Coronavirus can indeed be transmitted in hot and humid climates 16
18. Snow or Cold weather will not kill the Novel Coronavirus FACT #2 17
19. Taking a Hot Bath may not protect you from contracting COVID-19 FACT #3 18
20. The virus cannot be transmitted through Mosquito Bites FACT #4 19
21. Spraying Alcohol or Chlorine all over your body will not kill the virus that has already entered your system. FACT #5 20
22. Here are some of the guidelines given by the WHO, MoHFW and CDC that you can use to prevent infection and slow the transmission of COVID-19. Practice these 8 steps at home to combat the virus and keep yourself and your loved ones safe. What Can You Do to Defeat Anxiety: An Action Guide 21
23. Disinfect all prominent places and frequently used articles. Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and water, or sanitize them with an alcohol-based hand rub. Observe respiratory etiquette. Always cover your mouth while coughing and sneezing. 22
24. Dispose all used tissues in closed bins only Keep your hands off your face. Avoid touching the face, nose or eyes at all times Ensure you maintain a distance of at least 1 metre between you and anyone coughing and sneezing Avoid unnecessary travel and impulsive trips to the grocery store Refrain from smoking 23
26. Place your order online or on the phone and opt for contactless delivery if possible. If you need to visit a grocery store, have a buying checklist planned in advance. This can help you define your shopping trajectory and minimize the duration of your outing. Ensure you keep a distance of at least 1 meter while running errands. As you get home, ensure you remove the outer packaging of your items and dispose of it into a closed bin immediately. Be mindful of sanitizing or washing your hands thoroughly as soon as you step indoors. Use online transactions and avoid handling cash or cards as much as possible. 25
27. LOCKDOWN Do’s and Don'ts 26
28. Do not instill fear but heed to caution while disseminating news about the pandemic Do not give in to panic buying Do not share unverified or unsubstantiated information Do not self-medicate Do not violate lockdown measures DON’T 27
29. Keep yourself updated through verified sources only. Follow government directives and practice social distancing. Call your doctor for minor or elective health concerns. Eat properly-cooked food. Always wear a mask while stepping out DO 28
30. Here’s Who you Should Call in Case of an Emergency According to the MoHFW, anyone experiencing symptoms, or with travel history to a COVID-19 infected area, or proximity to a laboratory confirmed positive case, should call the State Helpline Number or Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India's 24x7 helpline for further assistance. The helpline will seek your contact details to get in touch with you for the COVID-19 testing protocol. Anyone who qualifies as a case for testing as per protocol will be tested at a Government Approved Lab only. Government Helpline: 011-23978046 Toll Free No: 1075 Email ID: ncov2019@gov.in Issued in public interest by 1Tab We know Your Value Stay Aware, Stay Ahead! Disclaimer: The contents of this help guide are for informational and awareness purposes only and do not intend to substitute any Government advisories or professional medical advice. All the information enclosed herein has been sourced from certified websites including WHO, MoHFW and CDC. 29

Posted by :  peter88 Post date :  2020-05-15 20:38
Category :  Health & Medicine Views :  493

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