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Shriram Hebbal | 3 BHK Apartments | North Bangalore | Price 6490/Sqft - Comment

http://shriramhebbal.in/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/mb-shriram-hebbal-one-mi0_large.jpg http://shriramhebbal.in/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/slide1-900x400.jpg http://shriramhebbal.in/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/slide2-900x400.jpg

Shriram Hebbal one the grandeur project by shriram properties at hebbal bangalore location. Your unique perspective, your ability to adapt the worild to your way. Its's what separates you from everyone. And there's one place that helps to stay unique. It's the premier address for the hight life in and around hebbal. Its enough to make you feel you're the chosen one. Shriram Hebbal properties is a part of the 60,000 crore financial giant – shriram group and was established with a mission of creating splendid homes and amenable living spaces. Launched in 1995, we have operations throughout the country with extensive presence across south india. We have delivered over 8.36 million sq. Ft. Of built-up space, with 12.61 million sq. Ft. To be delivered and 45.85 million sq. Ft. Under development.

Posted by :  Brickstobliss Post date :  2017-04-25 07:55
Category :  Others Views :  623

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- Shriram Hebbal | 3 BHK Apartments | North Bangalore | Price 6490/Sqft

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