Protect your Assets with a High Asset Divorce Attorney in Orange County

Posted by josfamilylaw
from the Business category at
27 Nov 2024 06:23:53 am.
Attorney Binoye Jos is a renowned family law attorney. Our law from, Jos Family Law, has 55 years of combined experience across all areas of family law. We offer an initial consultation to clients seeking guidance regarding the division of high net-worth assets in their California divorce.
How can a High Asset Divorce Attorney in Orange County Help?
The division of community assets in California is a complex process, even if the separating spouses have limited marital assets. Couples who have an extensive financial portfolio often have to face a complex process.
Our high-asset divorce attorneys in Orange County will:
· Request financial disclosure from your ex-spouse during the discovery phase
· Assess the value of assets
· Classify all assets as separate or marital
· Offer counsel throughout the process of asset division
· Provide counsel on tax implications of asset division
· Enforce prenuptial and postnuptial agreements
· Liquidate assets
· Revise real estate plans
Schedule a Consultation
Complex assets require a comprehensive strategy for asset division. At Jos Family Law, we will adopt a resolution-based approach to protect your personal property and ensure equitable division of marital assets. Our high-asset divorce attorneys in Orange County will defend your rights and financial interests throughout the process.
Call (714) 733-7066 or send an email to to schedule a comprehensive case consultation with our senior attorney today.