Top 10 Must-Haves for SoD Phase 6 Preparation

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Posted by Braveryhuang from the Arts & Entertainment category at 08 Nov 2024 08:08:38 am.
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Phase 6 is coming to SoD on Nov 21, and it's packed with exciting new content and activities for players, from two AQ raids and Dragons of Nightmare with waves fo enemies attacking inlocations like Silithus, where you can get a ton of WoW Season ofDiscovery gold and Reputation points.

Don't forget the Scepter of the Shifting Sands questline, which is a chance to get your Black Qiraji Battle Tank. This guide willoutline the critical steps to get you ready for Phase 6, ensuring you don'tmiss out on anything.
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1. Leveling Your Characters
The first and most crucial stepin preparation is leveling up your characters to 60. Once Phase 6 launches,you'll want to focus on the Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj and Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, as wellas the Scepter of the Shifting Sands questline, so there won't be much time forleveling. To achieve level 60 quickly, the "Incursion Mob KillingStart" is highly recommended, where you focus on killing incursion mobsfor faster experience than rested XP or traditional grinding. Consider using Season of Discovery boost services to speed up the levelingprocess, ensuring your characters are ready for the new content.

2. Ahn'Qiraj War Effort Preparation

Phase 6 introduces theAhn'Qiraj War Effort, a server-wide event requiring substantial resourcecontributions to unlock the Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj and the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj. Tocontribute effectively:

Stockpile Resources:

Gather materialssuch as Silk Bandages, Stranglekelp, Mithril Bars, Dense Stone, Mooncloth,Runecloth, Enchanted Thorium, Enchanted Leather, Powerful Anti-Venom, andSmoked Desert Dumplings.

Complete Logistics Assignments:

Engagein quests that require these resources to advance the war effort.

Raids Preparation

At level 60, focus oncompleting important raids like Molten Core, Blackwing Lair, and Zul'Gurub(ZG). In particular, ZG is vital for obtaining Idols for leg and head enchants,which will remain valuable in later phases. Additionally, joining a guild ishighly beneficial for maximizing loot and gearing efficiently.

Gear Up: Ensure your characteris equipped with appropriate gear to handle the increased difficulty of theseraids.

Study Boss Mechanics:Familiarize yourself with the strategies for bosses like C'Thun to enhance raidperformance.

4. Gold Farming

With Phase 6, a new PvE eventin Silithus will provide an excellent opportunity for farming gold throughwaves of enemy attacks. This event will also yield the Brood of Nozdormureputation, which is crucial for the Scepter of the Shifting Sands questline.However, it's wise to stockpile gold in advance, as raid consumables will be inhigh demand and prices are expected to increase. One of the most reliablegold-making methods remains ZG trash farming, which offers both gold and ZGreputation.

5. Reputation Grinding

Brood of Nozdormu:

Importance: Vital for the Scepter of the Shifting Sandsquestline.

Rewards: Unlocks Tier 2.5 armor and other high-end gear.

Zul'Gurub (ZG):

Importance: Essential for obtaining valuable items like Zanzapotions, which are useful in every raid.

Goal: Aim to reach at least Revered status to access theseresources.

Cenarion Circle:

Importance: Offers powerful items such as Earthstrike andother trinkets.

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6. Alts and Healers<a href="

Having multiple alts at level60 will allow you to participate in more content and farm more loot. Inparticular, healers are highly in demand for the upcoming content, and if you'reconsidering an alt, a Priest or Shaman would be excellent choices. Priests,especially Discipline and Shadow, are highly sought after for both raiding andPvP. Shamans bring unique utility with totems, making them valuable for anyraid.

7. Political Maneuvering

Phase 6 is also a primeopportunity to leverage social connections. The Scepter of the Shifting Sands questlinewill be available on Nov 12, allowing players to start building towards theprestigious Black Qiraji Battle Tank mount. Use this time to gather favors,resources, and allies to ensure a smoother experience during this quest.

8. Crafting and Consumables

Smoked Desert Dumplings:

Beneficial for melee classes; farm Sandworm Meat from DredgeCrushers and Dredge Strikers in Silithus.

Geater Nature Protection Potions: Crucial for surviving nature damage inAQ40; gather Elemental Earth, Dreamfoil, and Crystal Vials for crafting.

9. Anticipate New Runes and Mechanics

Blizzard has consistentlyintroduced new runes in each phase of SoD. Phase 6 may bring additionalShoulder and Neck Runes, offering further customization for your class andplaystyle.

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10. Take a Break and Plan for the Future<a href="

As Phase 6 approaches,consider taking a break from current content to recharge. With the Firelandspatch dropping on Oct 29, this may be your last chance to experience certainaspects of the game before the new Classic content overshadows it. Planningahead for the hectic months following Phase 6 will help you decide whether youwant to focus on Classic, potentially explore fresh Era servers, or take on newchallenges in Hardcore servers.


With so much content droppingin Phase 6, there's never been a better time to play Classic WoW. Between thenew PvE event, the AQ raids, and the highly anticipated Scepter of the ShiftingSands questline, this phase will be packed with rewarding challenges andopportunities. Whether you're most excited about the new PvE event, progressingthrough the classic raids, or gearing up for potential fresh servers, beprepared to immerse yourself fully in the upcoming content.
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