Help You Get Great Photos in stormy weather

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Posted by Top-Battery from the Shopping category at 27 Aug 2024 02:09:46 am.
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The concept of bad or good weather is quite relative but for most of us, the idea of bad weather is one when the skies are grey, dull and pouring with rain. Let’s be honest, sunshine has been shown to have mood enhancing properties with the opposite being true for grey days.
low-light-weather-photography.jpgFor most photographers, the desire to capture the world in a unique way outweighs the need to stay comfortable and warm. If you’re new to the rain game, here are some handy tips to help you get the most out of a stormy day.
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Quick tips for rainy day photography
Use a fast shutter speed to capture raindrops frozen in the air and a wide aperture to ensure you get enough light on your photos in gray weather.
Pack a waterproof lens hood and camera bag to keep your camera safe during a rain photoshoot.
After the rain stops, try capturing close-up shots of raindrops on surfaces using a macro lens.
Rain photography, along with most forms of nature photography or landscape photography, is all about being prepared.
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Bad weather photography: Grey skies
The skill is to match the location with the available weather. Grey skies can be anything from flat, featureless cloud, to something more dramatic. Viewed positively, each offers fabulous opportunities for exciting landscape photography. From a technical standpoint, shooting under grey skies is relatively easy – with a reduction of contrast, it will prove considerably easier to keep the histogram within the 0-255 tonal range.
Bad weather photography: Ice and snow
If you are fortunate enough to be out shooting in the snow, look for simple designs. Landscape often assumes a marvellous graphical quality, particularly if the snow is moderately light. Farm tracks, ploughed fields, remnants of harvested fields – all leave distinctive marks that offer amazing photographic potential.
bad weather photography tips for shooting in rain
Choose your location carefully Urban areas make great subjects in the rain. Surfaces such as wet tarmac reflect beautifully, especially at night.
Use a UV filter It’s far better to get moisture on the filter, rather than on your expensive lens.
Try handheld Don’t assume you should always use a tripod. Consider shooting handheld, too.
Always have a lens hood attached Another advantage of using a long lens, as their hoods tend to be very deep.
Increase the ISO if necessary The sensors on modern DSLRs are quite capable of delivering excellent results, even with the ISO set to 4000.
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