Protecting Your Camera in the Rain:Easy Steps

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Posted by Top-Battery from the Shopping category at 23 Aug 2024 01:24:16 am.
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Embracing inclement weather, such as rain, can help add interest to your landscape photographs. Rain can add richness to colors, atmospheric mist, or even dark, moody clouds for grand scenes. But how do you protect your camera gear in these conditions?
Not only can rain cause rusting, but it can also destroy your device when water seeps in and reaches sensitive components. A rain cover is a small price to pay to protect your camera and enable you to go out, shoot in the rain without worry, and still capture the drama that the weather brings.Unlike most smartphones today, DSLR's and system cameras are not waterproof. Many cameras are dust and spray water proof, but no camera would survive a heavy rain shower or even a fall into water.
As already mentioned, many of the cameras and lenses are now weatherproof. To a certain extent, the attached seals may keep the rain out. In light rain, the internal camera seal is sufficient and nothing should happen. In general it is always better to be careful.
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Weather-Sealed Gear
If you find yourself wanting to be out in poor weather for your landscape photography frequently, weather-sealed or weather-resistant gear is an option. Camera bodies and lenses can be made to be weather-resistant or weather-sealed. They are designed and built to help keep water out of the sensitive electronics and internals of either the camera body or the camera lens.
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Use Camera Rain Covers
If people can wear ponchos, why not cameras? That’s the idea behind camera rain covers like the Ewa-Marine Rain Cape, which drapes over any camera and lens, as well as many camcorders. An optical glass port is placed over the lens so image quality doesn’t suffer, and there are accommodations for camera straps. If you’re concerned about maintaining optical quality even in a downpour, the price tag is quite reasonable.
Lens Hoods
A lens hood is helpful not only for reducing flare but also for helping minimize spots from the rain on your front lens element. This works better on telephoto lenses with deeper lens hoods, but the hoods on wide-angle lenses can help reduce the frequency of needing to clean the front of the lens.
Do You Need Weather Sealing on Camera?
If you take pictures outdoors and don’t want to be weather dependent, you probably need weather sealing on your camera. It gives you more freedom to choose a location and schedule your photo sessions.
Don’t Let Wet Weather Stop You
Whether you have weather-resistant gear or not, these tips should help keep your camera gear safe when photographing landscapes in the rain. A little preparation and planning can help make your outing into the rain a nearly anxiety-free experience.
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