This Season, Don't Let Pump Prices Put a Damper on Your Holiday Fun

Posted by moviegoer
from the Automotive category at
10 Jul 2011 07:31:19 pm.

Slow Down and Get Some Air
* Vehicles use less fuel the slower they travel. While staying within the speed limits, try dropping your highway speed by 10 mph to see big savings at the pump.
* Calm down. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, aggressive driving can lower your gas mileage by 33 percent on the highway and by 5 percent in the city.
Fuel Up
* Buy the right fuel. Look in your vehicle's owner's manual for the correct octane level for your vehicle's engine. Odds are that it will be regular unleaded, since fewer than 5 percent of the vehicles on the road require the use of premium fuel.
Drop Some Pounds
* Extra weight in your vehicle makes it work harder, hence less fuel mileage. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, an extra 100 pounds in the car can reduce a vehicle's fuel economy by up to 2 percent. If you have a trunk full of junk, empty it out for better fuel economy.
The holiday season can stretch your wallet pretty thin. By following just a few small steps, you'll have more to spend on holiday festivities.