4 Places That Need Cell Phone Jammers
Posted by jammer
from the Shopping category at
15 Dec 2023 03:47:47 am.
The news of teacher Dean Liptak, who happens to be a former pro-wrestler, facing repercussions for blocking cell phone signals in his classroom at Fivay High School, was an ill-advised reaction on the part of both the administrators and, to be honest, the government.
Undoubtedly, what he did was a clear violation of the law. The Federal Communications Commission explicitly states that the use of 'cell jammers' or similar devices designed to intentionally block, disrupt, or interfere with authorized radio communications (such as signal blockers, GPS jammers, or text stoppers) is strictly prohibited under federal law. Furthermore, it is worth noting that the sale of jammers within the United States is illegal, although they can still be easily acquired from overseas vendors, as long as they manage to evade detection. It is important to emphasize that only government employees are legally allowed to purchase such equipment.
Liptak's punishment seems lenient, as he only received a five-day suspension without pay. In contrast, a Florida man who had a jammer in his car for several months was fined a staggering $48,000. It is worth noting that there have been instances where a priest resorted to using a jammer during sermons and even a funeral, allegedly with permission from the police.
It is true that the driver, the priest, and the teacher may have displayed some questionable judgment by using the jammers, which resulted in unintended consequences beyond their limited targets. Nevertheless, their intentions were noble, and it can be argued that Liptak had the most valid reason of all: to finally make the mischievous youngsters we refer to as our future pay attention.
In the bygone era, distractions within the classroom were confined to occurrences like catching a glimpse of something outside the window (SQUIRREL!), passing folded notes, or maybe sneaking in a comic book. However, in today's age, a student can engage in all of those activities and a thousand others on a single screen. How can a teacher, regardless of their expertise, effectively compete with the allure of YouTube, Snapchat, Trivia Crack, or even PornHub? Merely applying a filter to the local school Wi-Fi network holds no significance for a student who possesses unlimited data from their parents' family plan.
Rather than passing judgment on Liptak, it is crucial for society to focus on empowering teachers who require support. The FCC and Congress should consider introducing exceptions to the Communications Act of 1934, which serves as the foundation for various limitations on cell jammers. Businesses should have the opportunity to explore novel approaches in creating easily controllable jamming device.
It cannot be denied that there are multiple settings where the prudent utilization of jammers with limited and finely-tuned range would be an exceptional proposition.
I've been on the wrong end of a couple of cell phone calls at movie theaters in the last few years. Namely, in the middle of a movie, people's phones not only went off, but the idiot in question answered, then proceeded to have a conversation, at normal volume, as if that's perfectly okay, and not grounds for justifiable homicide. (At one of those films—the execrable Land of the Lost, so perhaps I should have been grateful for the distraction—I actually stood up and said to the offender, "Are you kidding me?" I like to think the rest of the audience applauded, but I couldn't hear anything over the hate-blood pounding in my ears.)
Individuals who attend concerts, have a passion for Broadway performances, enjoy watching films, and many others would no longer have to be concerned about such discourtesy if theaters implemented jammers that activated the moment the lights dimmed. While there may be legitimate emergencies, doctors on call, or parents who need to be reachable by the babysitter, etc., these individuals should seek alternative ways to spend their evening.
The sign must indicate: No shorts, No shoes, No phone usage, No service. Customers who cannot be bothered to place an order with a server because they are on a call should have a mandatory 35 percent tip added to their bill. Even better, the bistro's signal jammer should disconnect these self-proclaimed customers—if their call is truly so important, they can step outside.
The Workplace
Without a doubt, email and the Internet have become essential components of the modern office environment. However, the necessity of cell phones in the workplace remains questionable. A recent survey conducted by Pew Research indicates that merely 24 percent of employed individuals regard a cell or smartphone as "very important" for their work-related activities. Furthermore, research suggests that 50 percent of employers view cell phones as having a negative impact on productivity within the workplace.
It is important to recognize that there exist numerous places where using a cell phone can be extremely hazardous. Nevertheless, it is probable that cell phones are frequently smuggled onto warehouse or assembly line floors. If employers had the capability to disable signals while still allowing emergency calls, it would result in no harm or wrongdoing.
At Home
Despite parents' attempts to utilize parental control and monitoring software, it becomes increasingly difficult to engage a child (or even the spouse or grandparents) in conversation during family dinner once they have the freedom of a smartphone with a data plan.
Just like how parents have the capability and authority to disable the Wi-Fi connection at home, they should also have the choice to disable the cellular signal if they wish to do so. Attempting to take phones from individuals' hands and putting them in airplane mode is unlikely to be effective, and transforming the entire house into a Faraday cage is an extreme measure that should only be considered by those who are overly paranoid. However, having an in-home cell jammer should be a viable option whenever it is desired or necessary. (Remember to keep that landline, everyone.)
These examples are all based on the assumption that there are other means of communication during emergencies, or that individuals have enough mobility to escape the interference caused by signal jammers. At present, it is not possible for even the most well-intentioned individuals to utilize the limited technology available without causing disruptions that extend far beyond the confines of their classrooms, theaters, offices, or homes. If you suspect the use of an illegal signal jammer in your vicinity, please visit the FCC online complaint portal or call 1-888-CALL-FCC (or 1-888-225-5322).
Before proceeding, it is crucial to assess whether you have truly experienced any negative consequences, or if perchance, that hour without cell signal turned out to be the most delightful hour of your day. Furthermore, if your signal is obstructed, it is improbable that you will be able to establish a connection for the call.
Tags: you need jammer