How to Calculate Thrust for Drone Motors

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Posted by sheryl from the Hobbies category at 28 Nov 2023 08:17:38 am.
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Understanding Thrust in Drone Motors

Thrust in quadcopter motor represents the primary force propelling drones upward during flight. It's essential for lift, maneuverability, and executing aerial moves.

Significance of Thrust in FPV Motors

Thrust plays a critical role in FPV motor selection, determining lift capacity and influencing acceleration. Higher thrust enables quicker acceleration but can impact battery life due to increased power consumption. Striking a balance between the motor's high current demand and battery discharge rates is crucial.

Computing Thrust-to-Weight Ratio for FPV Drones

The thrust-to-weight ratio is vital for assessing a drone's flight dynamics. It involves comparing the weight of all drone components (All Up Weight - AUW) against the estimated thrust generated by the motor, propeller, and battery combination.

To calculate the drone's total weight, add up the weights of all components and any payload. Providing estimates for components not finalized is acceptable. However, determining precise thrust usually involves experimentation or referencing manufacturer-provided motor thrust tables.

Example Calculation: Utilizing MEPS Motors 2207

Suppose a 5-inch quadcopter weighs approximately 1000g. Consulting motor specifications like MEPS Motors 2207, the thrust table suggests an estimated 1641.2g thrust per motor for this brushless drone motor, propeller, and battery setup. Totaling this thrust for a quadcopter amounts to 6564.8g, resulting in a thrust-to-weight ratio of 6.7:1.

A balanced flight typically aims for a ratio of at least 2:1. Freestyle pilots often prefer ratios ranging between 3:1 to 7:1, while cinematic flyers tend towards ratios around 2:1. Customizing components based on this ratio allows adaptation to different flying styles.

Selecting Other Powertrain Components Based on Motor Thrust


Tailoring propellers helps fine-tune the thrust-to-weight ratio. Longer pitches and lengths can enhance speed but increase power consumption. Using fewer blades can improve quadcopter efficiency.


When selecting Electronic Speed Controllers (ESCs), consider amp ratings. Ensure they exceed the required amperage for safe operation, particularly during high throttle usage.


Refer to motor thrust tables to determine suitable battery voltages. Higher capacities result in heavier batteries. Calculate discharge rates aligned with your motors' current draw and battery capacity.

Understanding and calculating drone motor thrust aids in selecting components, enabling a balanced and optimized setup tailored to your preferred flight experience.
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