The developer explained through a blogpost

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Posted by DonnaStella123 from the Agriculture category at 03 Aug 2023 01:47:21 am.
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“We believe the claims are baseless and misrepresent our games, and we will defend,” EA said in a statement to

Last year, EA released a statement addressing the issue, denying any use of Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment. It said that it “would never use it to advantage or disadvantage any group of players against another in any of [their] games”, and that the “technology was designed to explore how we might help players that are having difficulty in a certain area of a game have an opportunity to advance”.

In other EA news, the publisher is also currently unsure whether it will be raising the prices of its next-gen games. During a recent earnings call, the company stated it was too early to tell and that it doesn’t “really want to weigh in on that yet.”

The feature lets players keep track of how long they’ve spent playing the game, how many FIFA Points they’ve purchased, and even set time limitations for gameplay.

The developer explained through a blogpost that the feature will give players an “overview of the amount of time you’ve spent in FIFA 23 and lets you set limits on how you play”, and that they will be able to “choose how many matches you can jump into, the amount of FIFA Points you purchase and the number of FUT Packs opened with FUT Coins or purchased with FIFA Points.”

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