Cold Weather Flying in WOTLK Classic: Everything You Need to Know

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Posted by TomRiva from the Agriculture category at 17 Jul 2023 02:20:15 am.
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In WOTLK Classic, Cold Weather Flying is an essential ability that allows players to fly in the Northrend continent of World of Warcraft. This guide will provide all the details on how to obtain Cold Weather Flying, including cost-saving tips and more. Whether you're a seasoned player or new to the game, this article will help you navigate the world of flying in WOTLK Classic.
Understanding Flying in World of WarcraftFlying is a coveted ability that enables players to soar through the skies of Azeroth and other continents on their mounts. However, in WOTLK Classic, flying is limited to Outland and Northrend (after use acquiring Cold Weather Flying). It plays a crucial role in various quests and instances, making it an integral part of the game.
Obtaining Cold Weather FlyingTo fly in the Northrend region, players must acquire Cold Weather Flying. Here are the requirements to learn this ability:
Level 77
Expert Flying (required skill from The Burning Crusade)
1000 Gold
No reputation requirement
Notably, Cold Weather Flying doesn't necessitate reaching a specific reputation level, making it relatively easier to obtain compared to other flying expansions.
Reducing the Cost of Cold Weather FlyingIf 1000 gold seems expensive, there is a way to reduce the cost of flying in Northrend. Here's how for both Horde and Alliance factions:
Alliance: Earn Exalted reputation with Valiance Expedition.
Horde: Earn Exalted reputation with Warsong Offensive.
Once you have achieved Exalted reputation, you can use World of Warcraft Gold to purchase Cold Weather Flying from the following trainers:
Alliance:Maigra Keenfeather in Valiance Keep
Roxi Ramrocket at K3, Storm Peaks
Pilot Vic at River's Heart, Sholazar Basin
Hira Snowdawn at Krasus' Landing in Dalaran
Horde:Wind Rider Sabamba in Warsong Hold, Borean Tundra
Roxi Ramrocket at K3, Storm Peaks
Pilot Vic at River's Heart, Sholazar Basin
Hira Snowdawn at Krasus' Landing in Dalaran
Additionally, you can purchase a flying mount from these trainers or use your previous flying mount from The Burning Crusade expansion.
Mounts of NorthrendIf you're looking to add some excitement to your cold weather adventures, Northrend offers rare and hard-to-obtain mounts. Here are a few notable examples:
Time-Lost Protodrake: Considered one of the rarest mounts in WOTLK Classic, this elusive mount has a slow respawn rate and is heavily sought after. It may take weeks for players to acquire this mount due to its scarcity.
Grand Black War Mammoth: If you want a touch of nostalgia while flying over the snowy hills of Northrend, this mount obtained from the Vault of Archavon (VoA) is a great choice. However, it has an extremely low drop chance of 1% per defeated boss in VoA, requiring your faction to win Wintergrasp to access the raid.
Violet Protodrake: This mount is known for its stunning appearance, but acquiring it is no easy task. Players must participate in and complete all eight holiday events to unlock this beautiful mount.
Cold Weather Flying for Alternative CharactersNow, let's focus on the main topic of Cold Weather Flying. While it is typically purchased at level 77, there is a way to provide this ability to alternative characters without reaching that level. If you have a level 80 character and patch 3.2 is released, you can Buy World of Warcraft Gold purchase a tome that grants Cold Weather Flying to your alternative characters.
Requirements for granting Cold Weather Flying to alternative characters:
Level 80
Patch 3.2
1000 gold
By purchasing the tome from Hira Snowdawn in Dalaran and sending it to your alternative characters, you can unlock Cold Weather Flying for them as low as level 68. This applies to both Alliance and Horde members, so keep an eye out for patch 3.2 in WOTLK Classic.
By following these tips and insights, you'll be well-equipped to enjoy the wonders of Cold Weather Flying in WOTLK Classic. Soar through the skies of Northrend and discover the treasures that await you!
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