How to estimate the potential value of your LoL Accounts?

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Posted by TomRiva from the Agriculture category at 12 Jul 2023 01:12:20 am.
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Ever wonder how much your League of Legends account is worth? Let's break down all the criteria and how much your account is worth in detail. While each account has its own unique value to each player, there are tools to estimate an account's worth. It roughly estimates its real-money price tag based on a number of criteria.
Criteria for LoL Account Worth
The LoL Unranked Accounts Calculator takes into account five factors to calculate the potential selling price of a League of Legends account. Let's break down each criterion and understand its importance.
Rank represents the player's skill level in the game. Higher-ranked accounts indicate more advanced skills. As rare accounts in the upper spectrum of the skill distribution hold more value, an account with a high rank commands a higher price. For instance, a Challenger account, even without many champions or added value from other criteria, can be worth over $100.
With over 100 million monthly users, Riot operates different servers to accommodate the player base and ensure optimal gaming experiences. Certain servers hold more value due to their larger player bases and increased competition. For example, achieving Challenger rank on the Korean or Chinese server is considered a challenging feat. The LoL calculator considers the account's server when estimating its value.
The top servers in LoL include
EUW (Europe West): Known for its competitive environment and hosting LEC players and professionals.
NA (North America): One of the oldest and most popular servers in the game.
CN (China): Boasting one of the largest player bases globally, Chinese servers are highly competitive, but transfers from other servers are not possible.
KR (Korea): Known as the most competitive region globally, with many esports players visiting for boot camps. Obtaining a Korean account is challenging due to restrictions for players below 18 years of age.
Number of Champions
Champions are the playable characters in LoL, each with unique abilities. The more champions an account possesses, the higher its value.
Number of Skins
Skins enhance the appearance of LoL champions, providing a more customized gaming experience. Since skins often require RP (Riot Points) or real money to acquire, accounts with a greater number of skins command higher prices.
Blue Essence
Blue Essence is one of the virtual currencies in LoL, earned through disenchanting champion shards. It can be used to purchase champions, rune pages, and other items but does not enable the purchase of skins. However, having more blue essence increases the account's value.
Riot Points (RP)
RP is the premium virtual currency in LoL, allowing players to purchase skins, special bundles, and items like Hextech Chests and Keys. RP is less common than blue essence and is typically obtained through in-game purchases. The presence of a higher amount of RP in an account leads to a higher price estimation by the LoL Account Calculator.
Considering factors such as ranking, server, number of heroes, number of skins, Smurfs, riot points, etc., the value of a League of Legends account can be estimated. RPGStash is an online trading platform that supports the trading of LoL Accounts. For some players, you can also Buy LoL Unranked Accounts from for a better gaming experience. The price is reasonable, the delivery is fast, and it supports 24/7 online customer service.
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